Is it really good Venezuela?
I will add my opinion, first of all I would put the attitude of Venezuelan, we are workers we like to work, but not so much, we agreed on the trimming work schedules imposed by Chávez, from 12 to 8 working hours a day, we agreed in which they give us (subsidien) items and services, because we like the "good, nice and cheap", we agreed with the "missions" that were ways to help the people, but instead of helping them get up, what they did It was to create a habit that they should be giving you things, here a lot of people have that way of thinking, that they must work but not so hard, that we must pay for our consumption and services but not so much, that it is worth it but not what Of others, too many people I know, this sickly patriot "We are in the best country in the world" ask, as will make this garbage the best country in the world?, Unfortunately, many of the Venezuelans who are gone from the country and still continue Aq. UI, they are inflated, have no humility, because we live in abundance and now they believe the great thing now that they know the potential of the nation. Let them take them to this?, Do not be humble, believe that it can come to whatever effort, with traps, playing with your life because yes, looking for the easy, waiting for you to give them or save them. Hard work, effort and education is what makes a large country, not your natural reserves, nor the beauty of your landscapes.
In 1958, the Bolivar was not devalued, a dollar was worth around 3 Bolivar, and Venezuela was the richest and most modern country of the continent, produced more than 10 percent of worldwide and had a GDP per capita many times greater than that of Its neighbors Brazil and Colombia, and not well below the United States but it was the highest per capital income, Venezuela was anxious to diversify beyond oil and avoid the so-called curse of resources, a common phenomenon in which money Easy of raw materials such as oil and gold leads governments to neglect other productive parts of their economies. But in the 1970s, Venezuela was experiencing a rebound in oil prices towards what looked like an endless economic bonanza. Complemented by years of stable democracy, it seemed a model country in a region that, for the rest, often presented problems.
Until several years came socialism, all the capitals were in ruins, illegal, seized and in decline of society, the generous state of "social justice" only led to devaluation, scarcity and corruption.
In the 1990s, the country had already reached a critical point, and instead of making a leap to the right-wing liberals to solve problems and open the economy, the country jumped to the abyss of the ultra-left, Marxist-Leninista, totalitarian and centralista. A state with an economic monopoly in the hands of mafia and corruption.
Chávez eliminated the independence of the Central Bank and the private PDVSA mode of operation to finance its social programs, thus guaranteeing the popularity of it. He illegally took control of any private party that opposed his policies of public spending without reinvestment or economic diversification, and then died of cancer.
Later, mature inherited the evil of the Chávez era and decided to convert the authoritarian Chavista into a dictatorship to maintain power during the fall in oil prices.
The government also imposed jealousy, revenge, hatred and greed in order to provoke divisions among the population and believing that they had expropriated things to "rich", who had some support.