Civility is good. Political correctness is evil.
I think that the only way that people make political correctness palatable and make it seem like a PC world wouldn't also be one devoid of joy and laughter is to try to conflate political correctness with civility.
Political correctness has nothing to do with civility. Civility has nothing to do with political correctness. Really, PC people are oftentimes the most vindictive, censorious, sometimes violent assholes on Earth. Labeling Cristina Hoff Sommers as a rape apologists and a fascist is deeply wrong and not civil; but, it is an exercise in political correctness. Putting Allison Stanger in the hospital for daring to talk to Charles Murray was an exercise of political correctness.
Civility still allows us to talk about uncomfortable issues honestly and earnestly. Yes, there are issues that require a lot of qualification, a lot of clarification, and there are views that should be uncomfortable to express; but, within civil conversation, those things can be addressed.
The goal of political correctness is the narrow the Overton Window and shut up anybody who pushes the limits of popular thought.