Student Loan Liquidity Policy Makes Student Customer (Kebijakan Student Loan Petaka Menjadikan Mahasiswa Nasabah) #StudentLoan2

in #political7 years ago


English : A total of 22.4 million households in the US, or about 19% have debts at the University. That's doubled in 1989, and up 15% from 2007 (before the crisis) * Pew Research Center. Households in forced use most of their income to pay for the education loan.

Indonesia : Sebanyak 22,4 juta rumah tangga di AS, atau sekitar 19% punya utang di Universitas. Itu naik dua kali lipat di banding tahun 1989, dan naik 15% di banding tahun 2007 ( sebelum krisis ) *Pew Research Center. Rumah tangga di paksa menggunakan sebagian besar pendapatan mereka untuk membayar pinjaman pendidikan tersebut.

English : Well stemian, the thing is, student lending keeps going up. The trigger is not their expenses during college. However, in many cases, the cause of the skyrocketing profit of students is the cost of education which is also skyrocketing.

Indonesia : Well stemian, masalahnya, peminjaman mahasiswa terus naik. Pemicunya bukanlah pengeluaran mereka selama kuliah. Namun, dalam banyak kasus, penyebab meroketnya untung mahasiswa ialah biaya pendidikan yang juga meroket.

English : So, on the one hand, students are forced into debt, but on the other hand, enrollment fees and tuition fees are kept in genjot according to market law.

Indonesia : Jadi, di satu sisi, mahasiswa di paksa berhutang, tapi pada sisi lain, biaya pendaftaran dan biaya kuliah terus di genjot sesuai hukum pasar.

for friends who feel less complete discussions are expected to read my previous post

Muhammad Arief

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