Being ignorant and knowing
People do not know that they are ignorant of their ignorance but it is worse to know of that ignorance and do nothing.
I was thinking a few days ago about the situation in Latin America compared to the rest of the world, it is inevitable not to see the problems it is in, the main ones being: corruption, insecurity, inadequate education, poverty, drug trafficking and money laundering.

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Why all these problems? Is it the politicians' fault? Although politics has a lot to do with this, because they have not been able to put a stop to the different situations that plague citizens, politicians are not to blame for everything, even though they are often the driving force behind money laundering and drug trafficking.
The problem with Latin Americans is that they think that everything bad in society is the fault of the authorities when it is really the fault of the society itself that thinks that politicians are responsible for the good performance of a country, while they do not understand that the responsibility of a country is everyone's job equally.
Latin Americans don't love their countries. Why?
Many will say that their countries have the best landscapes, the best people, the best gastronomy, the best history, the best artists, the best sportsmen and women, and we must not deny that, surely that is how it is: insecurity, deficient education, corruption, the deteriorated public services of who they are? people only care about the positive things and do not take care of their country's problems.
Loving a country means taking charge of our role as citizens of this place, actively participating in political issues, not letting politicians take charge of everything because that is where the abandonment of spaces begins and is the beginning of a regime. We have to educate the children so that they are correct people, we have to show them that there is nothing more noble than being good people, but we also have to teach them to have aspirations and that goals can be achieved with hard work because what is easy comes, easy goes. We must make demands, because politicians in political careers must lose a little of their sense of it, which is nothing more than doing good to people; we must value good politicians who try to do good to the majority. Latin Americans must understand the importance of work, this is the only thing that makes a country big and prosperous, without work there is no development and without development there is no progress. On the other hand, education is a job for everyone, young people will not have a better education if they are not taught the value of education, of course, qualifications do not determine the success of a person, but if education is not taken into account when studying, work will not be valued in the future.
What about the politicians?
Politicians are necessary to avoid a greater evil, politics is good because it was made by man to help man. Although there are politicians who are interested in their titles, money and more personal interests, politics has to be as noble a task as that of a teacher: to give your life to society, that you should always look after its welfare, to fight every day to educate citizens because the situation demands it and always aspire to get society to pay you back for all the good you do.
In conclusion, what is the biggest problem?
The biggest problem is that you don't see it because you don't want to see it, it's in front of everyone and we still think that the most important thing in the world is working to buy food and save for a phone. The biggest problem is to stop participating in the relevant elections (as long as the conditions for this assessment are met) and then complain about the politicians. The biggest problem is that young people do not have truly grounded values, so it is easier for them to become corners than teachers. The biggest problem is that politicians are required to do better but not to be better at what they do.
Crecen flores en la arena
Cae lluvia en el desierto
Ahora los sueños son reales
Porque se sueña despierto
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