¿Venezuela is a dictatorship or tyranny?
In Venezuela these things happen daily:
a Venezuelan buys a medicine at the pharmacy with a value of $ 3 and goes out to the street to openly sell it for $ 10 which is a lot of money in Venezuela.
Another Venezuelan buys a kilo of rice at $ 2 in the super market and then goes out and sells it for $ 5
Another young man receives GRATIS a laptop and tablet in his school and publishes on the internet that he is selling them in approximately $ 200
Another Venezuelan criminal goes out to hunt people who have smart phones on the street, steals them and when they report it, he calls a family member who is a policeman and goes free.
the water is worth $ 4 per year
light $ 5 per year
$ 5 gasoline per year
Dictatorship in Venezuela?
In dictatorships would happen the things that happen in this country? ... dictatorships have rules, there is order, there is discipline, there is no crime, there is no liveliness and manipulation among citizens.
In Venezuela There is a Tyranny
Who is the president today does not disguise his aspirations to remain in power perpetually, all the benefits outlined above have a key purpose, and which is that the poorest sectors of the country that are the majority support the government are those that reveal against the mandate.
The president achieved that the thought and the project of the poor of Venezuela is only and exclusively have a plate of food every day.
Venezuelans without dreams, without hope, without road, without motivation, without knowledge, without prestige, without dignity that abounds in this country, all of them receive bags of food every month, receive money without working and continue to live in the conditions that they they like.
Securing power
The president and his ministers have 20 years in power and have not wanted to leave power because they like to be above, and send, as well as the monarchs, travel and have their backs, thousands of soldiers at their command and all covered by the sovereignty and self-determination of peoples.
The crude gaze of the other governments when they see that the most oil-producing country in the world is under incomprehensible conditions.
In Venezuela there are areas where people eat daily at restaurants at least $ 10 a day, and the other areas people survive at $ 5 a month.