I always thought part of your culture is to ban ad hominem in discussions, I used to struggle with that, because when I can make a witty insult in a discussion, I will do it :).
In my videogame we actually had an intense battle about what you can say and what you cant. Many, like me say 'hey there is the mute function, just mute toxic people', but we have til today prominent figures being banned from the game for saying mean stuff.
You can actually ruin the game without saying anything and that goes often unpunished. What is funny is despite all that we never had a big racism debate, but the EU West Server is known to be racist af. A friend of mine had a bunch of Swastikas as his Status Message and also this guy
That wouldn't be part of my culture.
Some people need to be insulted. No, it doesn't prove your point to insult someone, but neither does it disprove your point. It's just an extra bit.
And, yeah, if someone is really upsetting you, ignore them.
well @dwinblood said that verbal aggression is also something that violates the NAP. At least if I remember correctly. But I guess you Libertariantards are allowed to have different opinions ;).
For words to qualify as a violation of the NAP (or ZAP) they would have to constitute a credible threat-- the threatener has the intention to follow through with the threat and the means to actually carry it out.. Otherwise there is no actual aggression; just hot air.
I feel the same.
Good luck and success to you, Sir. I am off the platform.