STEEM KALENDARZ ADWENTOWY 2019 / Steem Advent Calendar 2019

in #polish5 years ago (edited)



Dzień dobry, hej i cześć!

To już ostatnie dni! 1 grudnia startuje nasz steem kalendarz adwentowy pełen świeżej energii. W naszych pytaniach każdy znajdzie coś dla siebie. Odrobina wspomnień, radości, nostalgii, pozytywnej energii oraz świątecznego ducha⛄


📌Codziennie od 1 grudnia do Wigilii 24 grudnia pojawi się post KALENDARZA ADWENTOWEGO, w którym będziemy otwierać jedno okienko z ukrytym pytaniem.

📌Odpowiedzi udzielajcie w komentarzach pod postem.

📌Głosujcie na najlepsze w Waszej opinii odpowiedzi poprzez oddanie głosu na komentarz.

📌Zarówno na odpowiedzi jak i głosowanie macie 24 godziny – do momentu opublikowania posta z kolejnym pytaniem.

📌Codziennie będą wygrywać 3 komentarze z największą ilością głosów.


Tegorocznym sponsorem nagród w naszym STEEM KALENDARZU ADWENTOWYM jest grupa @qurator. DZIĘKUJEMY!
Pula nagród wynosi 24 QuratorToken (aktualna cena to ~3 STEEM za sztukę, lecz samo posiadanie tego tokenu też ma swoje korzyści) .

Nagrody będą rozdawane każdego dnia i wysyłane na twój portfel STEEM ENGINE ! Trzy komentarze z największa ilością waszych głosów otrzymają po 0.33 QuratorToken.


Chcesz nas bliżej poznać? Porozmawiać? A może chcesz do nas dołączyć? Zapraszamy na nasz CZAT


Hello everyone and welcome!

There is only few days left! On the 1st of December we start with our brand new Steem Advent Calendar. Our questions will have something for everyone. A bit of memories, touch of happiness and nostalgia, some positive energy and Christmas spirit ⛄

Calendar rules:

📌Every day from the 1st until the 24th of December we will publish Steem Advent Calendar post, where will open one window with a hidden question.

📌Your part is to publish an answer to that question in the comment section of that post.

📌Leave a vote on your favourite answer.

📌You have 24 h to leave and answer and a vote - until we publish another post with a new question.

📌Every day 3 comments with the largest amount of votes win the daily prize.


This years Steem Advent Callendar prizes are sponsored by @qurator. THANK YOU!
Total prize pool is 24 Qurator Tokens (current price ~3 STEEM per token, but holding tokens has advantages too) .

Prizes will be sent to your Steem Engine wallet every day. Three comments with the largest amount of votes will receive 0.33 Q Token each.


Do you want to get to know us better? Talk with us? Or maybe you want to join us? We invite you to our chat: CZAT


You got voted by @curationkiwi thanks to michalx2008x! This bot is managed by KiwiJuce3 and run by Rishi556, you can check both of them out there. To receive upvotes on your own posts, you need to join the Kiwi Co. Discord and go to the room named #CurationKiwi. Submit your post there using the command "!upvote (post link)" to receive upvotes on your post. CurationKiwi is currently supported by donations from users like you, so feel free to leave an upvote on our posts or comments to support us!
We have also recently added a new whitelist feature for those who would like to support CurationKiwi even more! If you would like to receive upvotes more than 2x greater than the normal upvote, all you need to do is delegate 50 SP to @CurationKiwi using this link.

You have received 5x upvotes from the members of @steemexplorers from your free link submission in our discord server. Steemexplorers is an initiative bringing information on various Steemit services and communities in a central discord to save you time and help you grow. It's free, it's easy, and it's here to help you in so many ways. Come by our discord to learn more! Link to Discord: Our team also offers an additional upvoting service called @givememonsters where you can presently trade in 1 to 10 DEC from the Steem Monsters game for up to $0.03 upvotes on ANY steemit posts. The vote purchasing value here is some of the best returns on your investments that you can find anywhere so come by and visit this service today!

This post has received a 3.13 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @curationkiwi.

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