Keep silent and do your job. Haruj i milcz. [ENG/PL]

in #polish7 years ago

Keep silent and do your job. That's the company saying where I'm working. Now I can ask, do we really want to work like that? On the fingers of my hand I can count how many people can fight for their rights and express their view and opinion, and what about the rest? They work and are silent, because it is a job that needs to be done. Do your own, do less, do more, and earn the same. So why show that you can do more, that you can, and as a reward you go 3 weeks for 6 days to work, and you get day off in the middle of the week. Nothing more about working on three shifts. The easiest way is when you bring people to the desk, without interruption and the possibility of using the toilet.

Why did I choose and find myself in this company? In the previous work, it ended with a contract, I had to pay for universities and I caught the first better opportunity to learn further. Time for the highest change depends on my mental and physical health, and this way you simply can not work without fully maintaining health, which we have only one thing.

Haruj i milcz oto powiedzenie firmy, w której pracuje. Teraz się mogę zapytać, czy naprawdę chcemy tak pracować? Na palcach dłoni mogę policzyć ile ludzi potrafi walczyć o swoje prawa i wyrazić swoją opinię oraz zdanie, a co z resztą? Pracują i milczą, bo przecież jest pracą, która trzeba wykonać. Zrób swoję, zrób mniej, zrób więcej, a zarobki te same. Więc dlaczego pokazywać, że można więcej, że się potrafi, a w nagrodę pójdziesz 3 tygodnie po 6 dni do pracy, a wolne dostaniesz w środku tygodnia. Nic nie wspominając już o pracy na trzy zmiany. Najłatwiej będzie gdy przykujecie ludzi do biurka, bez przerwy i możliwości korzystania z toalety.

Dlaczego wybrałam i znalazłam się w tej firmie? W poprzedniej pracy skończyła się umową, miałam do opłacenia uczelnie i łapałam pierwszą lepszą okazję, by móc uczyć się dalej. Czas najwyższy na zmiany zależy mi na swoimi zdrowiu psychicznym jak i fizycznym , a tak pracować się po prostu nie da zachowując w pełni zdrowie, które mamy tylko jedno.


this is touching and happening in the whole world.
Capitalism is making human beings slaves.. I know it and I feel it from my job currently. I hope everything is going to change soon.
but It is really hard to change because companies control lives in our world.

The problems is not with capitalism but how new generations are brought up.

Every few years it is getting worse, people are getting more week in mentally term. They look at their coworkers and are doing same things because the think that is normal to work as every one else. If every one is working overtime they do the same. It is sad but people in big companies don't have their own opinion and are acting like robots because of their own choices.

Why? Because it is easy and don't require thinking.

@cryptosteve I wish you change as soon as possible for the better. Fingers crossed. A smile on my face slowly appears on my face that I will say goodbye soon.

@properfaction I agree with you 100%, but in such a large company, if you only express your opinion, you are silenced and punished by changing the department for the worse.

Mocno i dobitnie. Wcześniejsza praca dała mi trochę w kość.
Teraz luzik, nie narzekam na obecną pracę.
Jutro lub pojutrze napiszę post w tym temacie.
Pozdrawiam, życzę powodzenia.

@shogunma Dziękuje i cieszę się z poprawy warunków pracy. Chętnie przeczytam co masz do powiedzenia, a u mnie już kolejne tematy na posty rodzą się w głowie .

Very well you put your words in the post. Thank you so much for this. People will love it. There are many things in your words that will benefit everyone.waiting for your next post.

Thank you very much, with all my heart these words mean a lot to me! I want to write here the truth, my thoughts, and not just empty words for so-called 'like'

Dear I know private company job is very hard because I also working at privite construction company boss like a work and work do not stey us for 10 20 minutes government job is a tention free because government pay your salary in any condion

Unfortunately, it is not a private company, but a large corporation that has its own warehouses.

It is very serious problem in novadays. It is hard to believe but whole world system is build on 2 sides - 5 % which keeps the money of 95 % of the world, and the second side - 95 % people who work for them.

Shools and univeristies teach their studens how to become a good taxpayer and worker. Is it obvious why people dont have a possibility to study how to survive, earn, find cancer cure etc. it is not profitable for government.

But always there is a choice - go and do what oders do and tell you what to do, or find your own path


@grreenn Finding your own path nowadays is very difficult because we are guided by the scheme of how to live and what to do. People who stand out from others are immediately lynched.

If we consider standing out from a crowd like a lynch, yes. But for most of people who stand out and choose different path than everyone, make them succesfull, smart and even powerful. Work is the best example of the idea above. If we want to find a job and spend 3/4 our life at work - we need to do what schools and governments want us to do. If we want to live and we need to find different path and leave the scheme.

thanks for your opinion

@grreenn I agree with you that most people follow this easier route, and those who take a different path from the majority are ridiculed, pointed with fingers, regarded as inferior. Many people trying to choose their own way are still doomed to work at least at the beginning of the implementation of their idea because you have to live with something.

Please, I really like to talk about interesting theme.
Thank you, too.

It is so nice to discuss a real problem with someone!
My point is that regardless to the fact that we all start with job with 40 hour per week or even more, it is not an excuset in finding a better live. It is better to die trying than living without a try.

Take a look on my article about work.

@grreenn I think it's better to try to do something than doing nothing and grumble on all things.
A very good article.

Dreams which We are not afraid of, are not the real dreams

perfect summary for that topic,
I give a follow :)

@grreenn greetings and to hear. ;)

super post, nice courage, nice help , you are polishing peopple to do good job, nice job amazing work, kinda cool, can you also visit my post if you have time , i am your fallower,,

@pfail Thank you, it's pleasure to hear that! :)

This is very real! @margotmowi and very true!..... Thanks for sharing this!

@zona-stringz Thank you and invite you again.

Bo z pracodawcą trzeba rozmawiać o pieniądzach. Niewielu jest, którzy sami z własnej woli pochwalą pracownika, co dopiero zaproponują podwyżkę. Jeżeli nie ma możliwości większego zarobku, kształcić się i szukać innej pracy.

@brs55 Z pracodawcą należy rozmawiać, ale w tak dużej firmie to nic nie zmieni, ewentualnie dostaniesz gorsze stanowisko. Jak wyżej napisałam znalazłam się tylko tam przez chęć ukończenia uczelni i szkoleń, a po za normalnym etatem dorabiam w swoim zawodzie rozpisując diety w domu.

Nie pozostaje Ci nic innego jak dokończyć swoje szkolenia i uciekać stamtąd jak najprędzej. Znajdź etat w mniejszej firmie to przynajmniej dopchasz się do szefa i będziesz mogła normalnie pogadać jak człowiek z człowiekiem. Każdy z Was przedstawi swoje oczekiwania i może się dogadacie na warunkach, które będą Cię satysfakcjonowały. Pozdrawiam @crypaf

@crypaf Cały czas się doszkalam. To proszę trzymać kciuki na wiosnę ;) Dziękuje za tak pozytywne słowa ;)

Witam! Mocny post! Również zamierzam pisać po polsku i po angielsku, ale dopiero zaczynam. Zapraszam na mój blog i ewentualne wskazówki, jak radzić sobie lepiej. Pozdrawiam! ;)

@miss.gardener Witam i życzę powodzenia. Jedna z najważniejszych wskazówek pisać od serca i szczerze ;)

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