Superksiężyc - Super Blue Blood Moon! DZIŚ, NIE PRZEGAP !
Dzisiaj jest niezwykły dzień, dzień gdzie możemy ujrzeć super blue blood moon czyli zaćmienie księżyca! :)
Dlaczego będzie to tak niezwykłe zjawisko? Księżyc przy całkowitym zaćmieniu będzie miał barwę czerwoną. Dzieje się tak dlatego, że promienie słoneczne są zablokowane przez ziemię i jedynie co do niego dociera to światło rozproszone w ziemskiej atmosferze :)
MIĘDZY 15:10 a 17:30 - PÓŁNOCNY WSCHÓD! :)
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I would like to see a similar phenomenon very much, but in my hometown there are constant clouds almost always in the sky. But, once I watched the comet! It was an unforgettable sight!
In that case, I invite you to me, to Poland. There was a clear sky with us, an indescribable effect, the moon seemed to be as close and as if someone had lit a halogen light on it. at 15:00 it was such an effect. After that clear sky, but I did not have a good camera to show this effect :(
It looks very cool! I accidentally found out that in my city this moon could be seen :( (I so regret that I was too lazy to go out and check this fact ... Now I do not have beautiful photos :(
Dont worry be happy, next time :D ;*
It's easy for you to say it! :)) The last time you could see such a moon was in 1866. I read this in the news ...
Yes, it's true, but the full moon happens often and it's also impressive, I'm going to buy you a telescope! : D smile please! :DD
I will not be upset about this, I promise :))))
Exactly, there is nothing to worry about, there are probably many similar phenomena ahead of us: D