RE: The reason
Would you mind at least looking over the discussion we had with our members some time ago?
We made some changes in response to HF21 already and discussed the pros and cons of some of the other suggestions. It would be a great place to add your own suggestions (and why you think each would be important or would help).
We have put a lot of thought into each aspect of our program design to maximize good, freedom, and community support, while minimizing the potential for abuse.
You issued an ultimatum (cease or be downvoted) with zero research into how our program works and assume that your suggestions are for the good of the chain. If you don't even know how our program works, how can you be so sure that you're in the right?
You've had responses from dozens of SBI supporters asking you to stop your attacks. If nobody has come to your aid and dozens of people have explained their own reasons for supporting and using SBI, how can you be so sure you're in the right?
If your only argument is 'all vote-selling is bad for Steem and should be stopped' then your hypocrisy astounds me and we have no further room for discussion. We can withstand your tax. Can you withstand STEEM going to zero? That's where the virtue signalling downvotes of you and other former bid-bot vote-sellers are driving it.
Leave that blah blah blah crap and beautiful words about supporting for a while. What do you see? I see money.
Let's follow the money.
I just exchanged a couple of hundreds USD for STEEM and powered it up. Yesterday I have done same thing. Now answer 2 simple questions:
Follow the money, the price of STEEM has dipped after you started your thing.

Please stop raping its value and hurting my investments.
Please stop raping my investment, use #sbi-skip
@,mmmmkkkk311, SBI supports a greater circle than you most likely are.
Hold up! You're claiming you're not in a circle of your own. Do tell. Teach us, Great One. How did you escape the circle?
@mmmmkkkk311 voting CSI from Steemworld:

@steembasicincome voting CSI from Steemworld:

The design of SBI is such that every other SBI program voting account has a higher CSI than main account, but @sbi-tokens CSI would be representative of the whole program:

Because pending value is accumulated until minimum upvote threshold is exceeded, the majority of SBI members receive votes less frequently than once per week at current STEEM prices, CSI would need calculated over a longer time period to be really accurate, but this gives an approximate idea.
So yes, as mmkk said, follow the money. We have delivered almost a million total upvotes, distributed across thousands of accounts, and more than half of accounts receiving upvotes never sent any money or 'paid' for their upvotes in any way.
@mmmmkkkk311 is getting so mad at the results of SBI that he has to downvote this fact. bwahaha!!!!!
No facts to back up his claims. This dude is wack.
@josephsavage, how do I see how much I have gained or lost by having SBI shares? (I'm guessing, but I would say I'm in the green. Lets see the facts, please.)
A precise number is actually pretty hard to get to, because payout values of rshares change over time. However, we can identify with precision exactly how many rshares have been delivered and provide an approximate range of how much STEEM that would be at current values.
You have received 48876374025798 rshares. That's a range of 72-144 STEEM in rewards before curation, depending on where each post ends up on Convergent Linear Rewards Curve. Based on your average unit age, at least half was delivered before HF21 when there was no CLRC range and curation was a lower cut. I would estimate your after payout rewards from SBI to be between 72 and 108 STEEM.
Whether that's 'in the green' depends on how you value your units on an ongoing basis. There is a thin OTC market for units (since they are transferable above 25 unit minimum) that is valuing units between 0.45 and 0.50. That would make your current value (units at mark-to-market plus rewards already received) somewhere in 218.7 to 271 range. Unless I miscounted, you have spent 224 STEEM on sponsoring and the rest were sponsored. That means at low end of range you are almost in the green and at high end you are in the green.
Thanks. I'd say I'm doing alright and if I never invested again into @SBI, then I will definitely be in the green and the small amount of steem I paid will have come back to me. Sounds good to me.
Maybe you will take the time to explain to @mmmmkkkk311 how much of a return on his investment he will make? - Oh shit, forgot. He has only been given @sbi. Doesn't that put him in the green? Maybe my math is off.
Thanks for taking the time to go through all of this. My support is still with @sbi project until convinced otherwise.
It would put him in the green, except that we blacklist accounts that downvote us. We do not engage in retaliatory downvotes, but why would we upvote somebody that is downvoting us?
So, what you are saying is that you have a blacklist and you are not mindlessly upvoting people's content? Holy shit! What a brilliant idea.
Doesn't this go against what @mmmmkkkk311 claims is happening? Someone needs to read and get involved before they make ASSumptions and aren't able to produce evidence for what they ASSume.
p.s. sorry @mmmmkkkk311, you won't be getting that free money I sent to you because of your attitude. So sad. I worked hard for that and was willing to give the little that I had. Maybe, just maybe, if your attitude changes, you'll get that free money.