Sigh. So we are now at the stage of pandemic revisionism?
It doesn't even mention vaccination.
How can anyone look at 2020-2021 Sweden and think that was a success? Elderly people were diverted from hospitals to spare healthcare capacity, and passive euthanasia occurred in some instances according to reports.
The piece is a bit of a misleading mess. It frames it like Sweden didn't have government restrictions, but then later in the piece acknowledges that's not true. Likewise it incorrectly states that Sweden kept schools open, but they closed secondary schools. Again it is weird to frame a piece using policies from the period of time where Sweden was performing the worst.
The first chart included shows Sweden with a higher coronavirus death rate than its Nordic neighbors. The second chart uses a crude excess death method that just takes the average of the previous three years before the pandemic and compares it to the first three years of the pandemic. That doesn't match what we get from other excess death modeling where its Nordic neighbors have lower excess deaths.
The message can do without all this misleading ideological nonsense. Swedes adopted a lot of voluntary measures and organizations adopted their own restrictions. They social distanced. They remotely worked and schooled. When vaccines became available they got vaccinated. That's all great. But from a government perspective it was entirely reckless as the government's own independent reports make clear. Sweden's government could have done much better.