The police interrogation that you should know!
We would like to show you the interrogation method made by the police officer to the offender.
By studying the conversation you will know how to deal with the police when interrogating you.
Here is the interrogation made by the police.
Police Officer 1: Ok. Come here and sit down. I am officer Reyes, and this is my partner….
Police Officer 2: Officer Felicio.
Reyes: We will take care of your case tonight.
Suspect: Great…
Reyes: Well, Mr. Trajano, the report from the officer that brought you in says, you not only were arrested for breaking of property but also for driving and drinking? Is it true?
Suspect: Yes. But I just had two glasses of wine and I’m not yet drunk.
Felicio: Okay. But according to the sobriety test that was conducted by one of our officers, you had been recorded of having over 0.05% of sobriety, which clearly means, you were drunk. And so you got into an accident that leads to breaking of property.
Suspect: Listen. I finished drinking at 9 P.M. The time of the accident was 9:35 P.M. The police officer who arrived at the scene conducted the sobriety test at 9:45 P.M. The sobriety test was conducted at the time when the blood alcohol content in my body was on the rise. Hence, it can’t be concluded that the blood alcohol content at the time of driving was over 0.05 percent.
Reyes: First of all, the ground of your claim that you said you finished drinking at 9 P.M seem to be lacking. You didn’t have any acquaintances who joined you. How can we be certain of your claim?
Suspect: Look, I know that driving and drinking is not good. I just drive my car to save someone’s life who was about to be crashed by a moving car.
Felicio: Well, according to the officers who had investigated the crime scene, there is no one inside the car that you said where moving. It’s been empty even before the accident. And it’s impossible for a car to move in a flat surface without a driver in it. Right? Moreover, we had checked the CCTV camera and found out that it was not a human being that you said you saw; it’s just a cat alone.
Suspect: No way! I knew what I saw, and I can’t be wrong!
Reyes: Mr. Trajano, have you been arrested before?
Suspect: Yes!- NO!.. well, that was a long time ago….
Felicio: Looks like you are a repeat offender. Do you have a lawyer?
Suspect: I don’t need a lawyer; I am innocent of everything you were charging me with!
Reyes: Sure you are pal. Let’s head upstairs so we can get your paperwork started.
Suspect: Whatever you say…….
Thank you for reading... This is part of the school assignment made by Jovilyn Ecoben Reyes.
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