RE: *Tyrant Alert* Hot Cop violates man's body. YouTube took down this video Date of incident: May 16, 2018 Trinidad Colorado
Seems to me that she was taking his complaint seriously towards whoever was driving in that parking lot. For him to hand her the video he'd had to have his hands exposed, while requesting him not to video tape her she notices he put his hands in his pocket. She politely ask him out of concern for their safety to remove his hands, he refuses, she refuses to take his complaint and starts to walk off. He starts to follow them and becomes belligerent towards my opinion she has a right at that point to be concerned about what he could possibly have in his pocket he could harm them with as they try to walk away. To make sure they can leave safely they check him on it. They weren't interested in arresting him for anything, obviously, just to be able to walk away in safety. Doesn't matter he's using profanity and intimidating them, that just raises the bar of them not possibly walking away safely, they secure their passage to leave safely by removing the knife, he continues to be belligerent and demanding but they are leaving just like he requested and even gave the knife to someone else on the porch who wasn't involved in the altercation. They didn't want to harass him, they didn't want to arrest him, they just wanted to assure their safety while there and upon exit. Most cops wouldn't have handled the situation as well as they did. Once he started objecting and tousling with them over the knife they could have arrested him...he's pretty lucky that all they wanted to do is walk away safely, most people would have been arrested.
The pocket knife was 3 inches long. It takes 2 hands to open it, and one of his hands was holding the camera and cell phone. They also know who this guy is, since he is an activist who goes around filming the police. This is a tiny little town(population 9000) and it's the largest town in the county. They have virtually no crime, and the only time a cop has ever been killed there was 1905.
But the biggest thing is, in Adams v Williams, the supreme court says that cops can only do a Terry frisk on someone if they are suspected of a crime. Which he was not.
Anyway... thanks for the comment.... thanks for checking out my video. Please check out some of my other videos like the one where a man is arrested for trespassing on public property.
....then I wouldn't know why she ask him to remove his hands and not his hand out of his pocket.
I think cops are nervous now days because so many have walked into ambushes.