
Does this mean you claim some rapists are good people? Otherwise, you are perpetuating a dichotomy.

Apparently, you don't understand the word dichotomy, and you're obfuscating by trying to put words in my mouth.

You go ahead and keep seeing the world as black and white when it's not.

I was just playing with the word like you were-- in an utterly meaningless way. Funny how you could see it in what I wrote without the self-awareness to see it in what you wrote.

Dichotomies exist all over the place in the real world. A dog is either alive or it isn't. Rapists are either good people or they aren't. I say they aren't for the exact same reason cops aren't good people: the acts they commit. You claim this can't be true.

It isn't all black and white, but you're denying when it is black and white just because facing reality doesn't suit you.

The last time I met an anarchist, he was a heck of a lot smarter than you. Yet, when he got a small taste of anarchy, he abandoned his new wife and fled the country. I'm not playing with words.

No, pretty much everything is a spectrum.
Birth is the beginning and death is the end, with stages of growth, decline and decay in between.
When we talk about human nature, it is a very complex thing, so a person who is a philanthropist and pays his employees above the average is looked at as being a good person until it's discovered that he's ALSO a serial rapist, at which point he's evil.

Cops are on the same spectrum, and your naive assertions ignore the fact that there are many reasons people become police officers, and I doubt that many of them do so for the reason you use to justify your smear campaign of them.

As I said, go ahead and look at the world from your over-simplified point of view, but don't expect me to swallow that BS.

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