Former US Government employee, here's how things really work
Hello everyone.....
I'm a former US government employee that worked in a unique position behind the scenes with various departments in law enforcement at the city, county, state, and federal levels. I've also worked in the forensic psych arena and behind the curtain in the intel world.
My training includes terrorism, counterterrorism, interview/interrogations, forensic psychology, clinical psychology and psychotherapy, surveillance/countersurveillance, financial crimes investigations, fraud detection software, and physical arrest and self defense techniques, and more.
I've had a number of positions that cross over and/or combine different related fields in the government and private sector. I've worked many years covertly and in other capacities. My last position was on an emergency response team. We were tasked to respond to suicidal and homicidal events in the field as they were happening in real time. Events such as school violence/shootings, barricaded subjects, people either wanting to commit suicide or who attempted but were unsuccessful and were in a hospital for medical treatment.
Events you see on TV at schools or in the community, if law enforcement was there, there is a real good chance our team was too. We also did post traumatic events debriefings and counseling work.
I've done cases from teenagers wanting to blow their school up with a bomb to someone who was going to assassinate the president and everything in between.
Before that position, which I held for a number of years, I did covert work infiltrating "groups" that intended to do harm to the U.S. I was also trained at a government Fusion Center.
Now that I'm out of these fields of work, I can share my experiences so others can learn about various aspects of how law enforcement and the government works. I was never a police officer, but I trained with them, consulted them, worked with them, and socialized with them. But make no mistake, because of the behind the scenes knowledge I have, I am their biggest critic. I saw and experienced things about them I despised. I hope to explore that as well.
Talk to you soon......
Nice @globalguy
Shot you an Upvote :)
Thank you. Feel free to send any questions my way as well!
Hi! This post has a Flesch-Kincaid grade level of 10.2 and reading ease of 54%. This puts the writing level on par with Michael Crichton and Mitt Romney.
Well thank you. Those two are some good company to be compared to!