Cooperation with Police still leads to horrifying abuse, but it's your best bet for staying alive!
Two things can be true at the same time.
One thing that's true is that cooperating with police dramatically decreases your chances of being killed by police.
What's also true is that cooperating can get you killed. The shooting of Philando Castile still drives me nuts because Castile was killed because he cooperated and followed the law. Kelly Thomas was screaming that he was sorry and begging for his dad while police officers beat him and tased him to death. Tony Timpa basically called a wellness check on himself and was murdered by police, while already having been restrained, while the cops laughed at him and mocked him. Daniel Shaver was killed by police while crying and begging for his life while trying his best to follow orders in an incredibly tense situation.
Yes, your best shot at surviving an encounter with police is to cooperate. Even if you know that you're entirely innocent and that your impending arrest is complete bullshit, your best bet is to go quietly and try to live to see the next day. That doesn't excuse the horrifying abuses by cops that we've seen over the years wherein people were cooperating and still ended up dead with no legal repercussions placed upon the police.