Black Man Murdered By Cops Immediately After He Says,I have a Licensed Firearm
U.S. State of Minnesota, Hispanic police officer Yanez, Immediately shoots to death a black Motorist, Phillando Castille as he tells him, and I quote. Sir, I have a licensed firearm and Im not pulling it out. The officer immediately shoots him dead.
Things aren't as simple as they seem. The officer does repeat himself 3 or so times, telling the driver not to pull the weapon out. What actually happened inside the car however, is something we cannot know with absolute certainty: The police officer could have erroneously assumed the driver was going to actually use the gun on him; or maybe the driver was in fact being aggressive from the beginning: We just don't know.
Whatever the circumstances, to deduce race is a factor in this, amounts to nothing more than a generalization based on a mere 40 seconds of a larger incident.
I recommend reading Hello Nazis and Racists. Think it will speak to you