Don't trespass unless you want to get physically assaulted.. by Police.
Another day, and another case of Police brutality.
A trespassing call was made in LA which prompted a pair of police officers to confront the suspect. In the video in the link, you can see the suspect offers no resistance and complies with putting his hands behind his back, facing the fence.
The suspect, while compliant was clearly given some verbal retaliation, but nothing of the sort which warrants the physical abuse that followed.
The male police officer proceeded to brutally assault the man, and coyly tried say that the suspect had attacked him. The suspect was smart enough to not defend himself and you can see that he only raises his arms to protect his head as he took the severe beating.
Another officer stood there and watched, while this crime was being carried out, taking no action to intervene.
I want to reiterate, that the officer watched a crime being committed just a few feet infront of her.. and did nothing.
Clearly the officer believed his life was in danger. The poor officer probably thought he could have caught a fatal disease from the man's blood droplets splattering on him.
And we only know about this because a neighbour caught it all on camera.
One must wonder how many of these cases happen that remain covered-up because no bystander caught it on video, or the video never became public.
The officer has been placed on home duty while Internal Affairs was brought in to investigate. Why do I feel like nothing will come of the investigation?