Weapons of War On Our Streets: A Guide to the Militarization of America's Police
Today - April 11th - marks the 36th anniversary of the 1986 FBI Miami Shootout.
Unrelated to the War on Drugs, the 1986 FBI Miami shootout was a game-changer for law enforcement budgets. Police outnumbered suspects by a factor of four. Despite this, they were pinned down by suppressive gunfire.
The incident lasted five minutes and 145 rounds were fired. The suspects were hit multiple times, but continued to fight in part because the officers’ and agents’ service revolvers did not have sufficient stopping power. In response, there was a movement to increase the firepower of service revolvers.
This is when semi-automatic pistols began to replace the revolver and larger magazines became the rule. Rifles, shotguns, and heavier body armor also saw increased adoption after this shootout.
Learn more about the 1986 FBI Shootout and the militarization of America’s police at Ammo.com.