in #pole-shift6 years ago (edited)


You might want to start by reviewing this link so that you understand this has happened before and due to happen again and how it is all tied in. Read on to learn why.
Like Noah’s Flood,
6.500 years ago....
Like Adam and Eve’s,
11.500 years ago....
This, too,
will come to pass
Document Type:
General CIA Records


Thank you BishopChris therrien for showing this to me.

There is an URGENT LEVEL OF GLOBAL events, that including WEATHER EVENTS and there is a great deal MORE happening right now!! Now we have more ENERGY WAVES, but what does that all connect to? Read on as this is connected to much more than people realize, but they are slowly leading the truth.

Here is the evidence. It is up to you to research this and connect the dots to understand it all, but it IS evidence.

Thank you, John Traczyk,

January 7, 2019. Extreme energy waves buckling Earth's magnetic field spiked above 1000 km/s for an hour this morning. At 00:31:05 UTC, the highest speed I have ever seen recorded, hit an unbelievable 1893 km/s.

This was not from the Sun.

The Solar winds only topped out at 550 km/s. There is another solar-type source up there. Just because we can't see it does not mean it's not there.

This is from the second solar wind coming from under the ecliptic the opposite side of the sun.

Brown dwarf. Backside alignment.

Situated between Saturn and Jupiter, outside Mars’s orbital path, under the ecliptic.

Last images represent the system from under the ecliptic-

Front view and side view.

So you get a perspective of how it’s interacting with Earth.

Stay vigilant.https://www.patreon.com/posts/23836658?fbclid=IwAR0cnEwYvyfbGOwNwr9gD37_y3SR3pIjoJjo--qj0UKXdy4VRl9SY9GCeZ0


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What you were reviewing above "Equidistant Millibars"
Quotes Angelus Domini
"Equidistant Millibars"... The two mysterious words found by Cardinal Richard in his most recent Torah Code discovery, most likely indicating when the atmospheric pressure from Nemesis equals that of the Sun (Sol), causing..... Well... You'll see
The Pole Shift
Quotes Angelus Domini
It has become impossible to deny, with ships and planes being forced to make major recalculations of their navigational routes in the middle of their journey.

Let us review that Torah cod!. Keep in mind the Biblical implications and purpose now that we are all living in the time period of the " End of Days" of which SIMULTANEOUS events will take place around "The Great Day of the Lord." Yes, it has literally all built up to that time.

The Torah Code reveals a message from God to give us a SIGN of this time period
The Torah Code
Richard Ruff
01 12 2013 at 2:13 am

Equidistant Letter Sequence is what the Torah Codes are based on. EQUIDISTANT שווהמרחק has one occurrence in the Torah, extending to "Moving if The Equidistant..."
Ra-El, Apotheosis, Deify, Virtuous, Aspersion, Directing, Second, Millibar, Bad Flame Lear.
Millibar = unit of atmospheric pressure, Bad Flame in the atmosphere may cause Ra-El to move the Virtuous.


The Odds

Scientists warn Earth's magnetic North Pole has begun moving 'erratically' at speeds so fast they are having to issue an emergency update to maps used by electronic navigation systems

Updates! POLE SHIFT Imminent The Safe Zones, Poles May Flip & Things Could Get Really Bad

How Isaiah’s wobble is different from the natural wobble

This is much more dramatic, devastating, and rapid than what naturally occurs.

Quotes from Isaiah 24:

Pole shift predicted – earth rotates 180 degrees, and goes “upside down”

V 1 Behold, the LORD makes the earth empty, and makes it waste, and turns it upside down, and scatters abroad the inhabitants thereof.

Fearful Noise heard as this all happens, the sky opens up

V 18 And it shall come to pass, [that] he who flees from the noise of the fear shall fall into the pit; and he that cometh up out of the midst of the pit shall be taken in the snare: for the windows from on high are open, and the foundations of the earth do shake.

Earth wobble is excessive

V 19 The earth is utterly broken down, the earth is clean dissolved, the earth is moved exceedingly.

V 20 The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again.

For the leaders who will hide in underground military bases at that time:

V 21 And it shall come to pass in that day, [that] the LORD shall punish the host of the high ones [that are] on high, and the kings of the earth upon the earth.

V 22 And they shall be gathered together, [as] prisoners are gathered in the pit, and shall be shut up in the prison, and after many days shall they be visited.

When will it happen?

V23 Then the moon shall be confounded, and the sun ashamed, when the LORD of hosts shall reign in mount Zion, and in Jerusalem, and before his ancients gloriously.

Pole Shift, Earths Magnetic Field is Rapidly Moving to Siberia Causing Navigation Errors

Courtesy Find of Bishop Judith Monte Breaking PLANET X Info & Planet W/ Life Discovered?! NASA SpaceX Mission Magnetic Field Weakens!

Bishop Judi Monte Quotes
"In the meantime, scientists are working to understand why the magnetic field is changing so dramatically. Geomagnetic pulses, like the one that happened in 2016, might be traced back to ‘hydromagnetic’ waves arising from deep in the core1. And the fast motion of the north magnetic pole could be linked to a high-speed jet of liquid iron beneath Canada 2."

Earth’s magnetic field is acting up and geologists don’t know why
Erratic motion of north magnetic pole forces experts to update model that aids global navigation.


She further quotes ..

Too bad they don't disclose more of the bigger reasons, like Nibiru...

Scientists Confirm Pole Shift Underway
"Scientists warn Earth's magnetic North Pole has begun moving 'erratically' at speeds so fast they are having to issue an emergency update to maps used by electronic navigation systems"

Earth's magnetic fields are shifting - and scientists are unsure why. Well, that does happen when God is upon it all.

Researchers say the magnetic North Pole is 'skittering' away from Canada, towards Siberia.

The problem has got so bad, researchers around the world are scrambling to update a global model of the fields.

Called the World Magnetic Model, it underlies all modern navigation, from the systems that steer ships at sea to Google Maps on smartphones.

The most recent version of the model came out in 2015, and it was supposed to last until 2020.

However, researchers say the magnetic field is changing so rapidly that they have to fix the model urgently.

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God's Judgment Enacted through His Son

Luke 18:19 Yeshua said to him, “Why do you call me good? There is no one good except the one God.”

Matthew 3:12 His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor and gather his wheat into the barn, but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire.”

Lord Ra-El doesn't see himself as "good" in the classical sense, mostly because of the harsh but necessary things he must do to bring about the New Kingdom

End Quote

It is not Coincidence that Events Are Occurring Around the Same Time and I Would Expect More With This..We are in that WINDOW on the Time Period of Several Events. Expect more.
Blood Moon 2019: A Great Total Lunar Eclipse Is Coming Soon!
Check for dates and times.

Yes, Biblical Implications As Well
January Full Moon 2019: Full Wolf Moon Meets a Total Lunar Eclipse. The full moon of January, called the Wolf Moon, will occur in the U.S. just after midnight on the night of January 20-21, and viewers in the Americas, northwestern Europe and even the Arctic will be treated to a lunar eclipse.
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Compasses become redundant as Magnetic North MOVES 55km per year – no-one knows why
THE North Pole is moving – quickly – and scientists have no idea why it is happening.
PUBLISHED: 07:01, Sat, Jan 12, 2019 | UPDATED: 14:11, Sat, Jan 12, 2019

Several Sources Cited Here


Pole Shift - US Navy Intelligence CIA Sea Level Rise Map - John Moore Lecture

Trust the TIMING of these EVENTS! Join Bishop Mike Harr o through all of the Torah and Bible codes that reveal who the Messiah is today!

#Messiah #Reveal #Glazerson #Revelation #TrueKing

It has almost been 8 years since the return of Christ on January 28th, 2011. Since then, there have been countless signs and prophecies fulfilled. Have you been doing your part to warn the world? Join me, Archbishop William Scoggins, for the latest!

#Christ #Watchmen #Revelation #Endtimes #Prophecy

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ABN Network

The Bishop UFC


Mikdash HaMoshiach - Temple of the Messiah


Sanctuary Interfaith


Prime Cleric Richard Peter Ruff


The New Currency Gold On Demand



Sources and Credits
God and his Holy Son
The Messiah Lord RayEl
The Imperial Regent of the Lord Angelus Domini
The Holy Bible
Christ Has Returned YouTube
I do not claim ownership of any pictures, videos or story links.
this time Excerpts from
This is all purely educational and blog
Combine logic, signs, prophecies, and follow these headlines to connect it all
Coincidence ...no such thing!
The Storm Is Here
Are YOU Prepared?
You Know What to Do!
Exodus, Go Baja or Mount Zion area to prepare!
The Time Is NOW!


Before Time Is Up..


Some really good information here. Times are a changing!

It is moving more and more as Nemesis and Nibiru gets closer.

People won't be able to deny this much longer!

Once Nibiru's gravitational field locks onto ours it will move so rapidly that heads will spin! Time to repent to God!

This pole shift is no joke! Bend your knee's now while you can!

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