Odds Chart - SPL - Poker 101 Lesson # 3

in #poker7 years ago (edited)

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What is an odds chart?

Well an odds chart is just that, a chart of odds for hitting your hand on a holdem flop. I think it is safe to assume every single professional poker player has these odds memorized. (or knows how to calculate them on the spot - the smarter ones anyways)

I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure chart odds are allowed at the table. Most scenarios it is left up to the floor whether or not they want to allow the use of the chart at a table (most don't have an issue with it). However, I saw a floor prohibit the use of one at last year's WSOP. So maybe it's a tournament thing...

What does it look like?

Photo courtesy of exceptionalpoker.com

That is what an odds chart looks like. This one has also gone to the trouble and outlined a few hand scenarios for you.

Why do you need it?

Well, as I was saying above, professionals know these odds off the top of their head. Especially the more common ones. You need to know these numbers, or be able to refer to them anytime you are faced with a tough decision to call a bet. If you do not know the percentage odds of the card you need to hit the flop, then you are basically making the decision of whether to call or not with only half the information you have at your disposal.

What I mean by that is, when you are up against a tough call for your chips, only using the little information you know about your opponents playing style is a big disadvantage. You must also be aware of what percentage of times you will hit the draw you are on. Without this, you are simply doing yourself an injustice. You will make wild moves without fully knowing what your chances are of coming out on top of the move you just made.

Need more help understanding?

Let's step away from the poker table, and enter the boxing ring for a second. We have an upcoming crazy super match between boxing great Floyd "The Women Beater" Mayweather and Connor "I have too much money for my own good" McGregor. Right now Vegas has the odds of McDouche beating Shittyweather at +500

+500 means that if you were to bet $100 on McStupid to win the fight over Maygutter, you would win $500. This is putting your odds at 5 to 1 on the $100 bet.

If you did not know that the odds of McCheese winning the match were 5 to 1...and you bet $10K and lose...you'd be like wtf. Why did I lose? Well you lost, because the odds were against you. If they were to fight 5 times, McPotato would only win 1 time out of the entire 5 over Maydontreallyboxer.

Got it now? Use this in your favor.

So there you have it folks, that is in a nutshell what an odds chart is, and why you should either keep one on you, or better yet, keep one memorized. Poker is hard enough as it is already, no need to increase the ODDS against you.

Some will say it's a rookie move, or maybe even a cheap move -- that's why the pros memorize it. They don't want to look foolish. BUTTTTT, you know what looks more foolish than anything else? A broke donkey at a poker table.

Donkey by JudHudson - Deviant Art

All poker strategy opinions are mine, and do not represent any person, or poker site. Why you may want to listen to me? Have I won uber amounts of cash playing poker? NOPE. BUT, I have lost uber amounts of cash playing poker. And there are plenty of people out there who tell you how to play, I am here to tell you how NOT to play.


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I can't wait to play. Gonna show you what a tight aggressive loose lipped shit talker can do to a table. Should be fun! All your post rewards turned poker pot are belonged to Aggroed!


Your mom was playing TAG last night.


hahahahaha yesssss.

Can;t wait to see you on the tables @aggroed

Interesting!!! Rofl all your poker chips are belonged to me! FTW!

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