Can Highstakes save Online Poker ?

in #poker6 years ago

Playing poker online is very hard these days, because the big online poker providers are getting greedy.
Rake is increasing, Rakeback is decreasing and new Poker formats that are unbeatable are created.
If this progress can't be stoped, Online Poker will be no longer profitable for anyone expect the house.

This week I discovered a online poker provider called Highstakes.
Highstake trys to fight this development and offers besides a fair Rakesystem a very good Rakebacksystem that you will not be able to find anywhere else.

Depending on your VIP Rank and depending on what you spend your Rakebackcoins on you will be able to get over 50% Rakeback on the lowest VIP Rank. If you reach the highest VIP Rank you will be able to get up to 99% Rakeback!

In my opinion this site can bring Online Poker back to the good old times of Online Poker.

I really like the Design:

If you want to join Highstakes you can Sign Up here: *RefLink
They have also some Freerolls where you can win Cash without deposit !

Stop wasting money for to much rake.
See you at the tables! @elbiasto

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