There are a few popular ones, you might want to try Binance's Smart Chain

If you're new to BEP20, you might be wondering what the best exchange is., which runs smart contracts in parallel to the Ethereum blockchain. It's not clear whether or not the BEP20 is more stable than ERC20. This is an important step for those new to the crypto space.For people who prefer not to use a PokeDex, you can use the PanCakeSwap Exchange to swap BEP20 for ERC20. Both ERC20 and BEP20 are Ethereum based tokens. They're easy to use and exchange. And you can always swap your token for another one. You'll be able to trade your digital currencies and BEP20 for your preferred BTC or USD.If you're looking to transfer BEP20 tokens to ERC20, you can do so through centralized or smart-contract methods. Generally, you can use Trust wallet or Metamask to exchange your BEP20 tokens. While these methods may seem convenient, they are expensive. And if you're using a centralized service, you'll pay a lot of hidden fees.

You want to trade only one of the BEP20 tokens

You can switch your token for an ERC20. The exchange uses a dual-chain architecture and supports both ERC20 and BEP20. It's possible to swap BEP20 with BEP-2 using only the Binance Smart Chain. The only difference is that the ERC20 network doesn't support both.If you'd like to swap your BEP20 tokens for ERC20, then you should use the Binance Smart Chain. The BST token has been created by the Harmony One hedge fund, which invested $300 million into the company. The platform is based on NFT technology and runs on the Binance Smart Chain. The ONE token is the most stable coin in the market, which is why it has a better price than BEP20.If you're interested in buying and selling BEP20 tokens, you should consider using ONE on Binance. It is a popular way to exchange digital goods and is backed by harmony in a $300 million hedge fund. Then, you can swap BEP20 for ONE to avoid a potential exchange fee. You can also exchange ONE for BEP20 on the PokeDex - swap BEP-20 for ETC.
Pokemonio Tokenomics

POK Max. Supply: 500 000 000
● 300 mln POK - Locked for PokeStaking, PokeLending, PokeNFT, PokeGames rewards (60%)

● 50 mln POK - Pokemonio Token public pre-sale on website (10%)

● 50 mln POK - Pokemonio Token public sale on Pinksale.Finance (10%)

● 50 mln POK - Liquidity lock (10%)

● 15 mln POK - Promotion and Advertisment (3%)

● 15 mln POK - Exchange listings (3%)

● 7,5 mln POK - Development (1,5%)

● 5 mln POK - Reserve (1%)

● 5 mln POK - Airdrops and Bounty campaign (1%)

● 2,5 mln POK - Team (0,5%)

PokeDex is a decentralized exchange that uses the NFT (non-fungible token) technology to facilitate trading. Instead of using a centralized exchange, BEP20 is a decentralized digital asset marketplace. It is similar to the Ethereum DEX, but instead of using an order book, it uses a liquidation pool to allow buyers to trade multiple BEP-20 tokens.AMM-based decentralized exchange is similar to PokeDex. However, it uses Threshold Signature multisignature wallets to enable fast and easy BEP-20 token trading. By using the AMM-based blockchain, the platform allows users to buy and sell any BEP20 tokens without a third-party. You can also buy and sell BNB tokens from the Trust Wallet.The PokeDex - swap BEP-20 token to ERC20 is an automated bridging service powered by the Binance Smart Chain network. By using this service, users can exchange BEP20 tokens to ERC20 with minimal effort. These bridging services are highly profitable and allow you to trade and invest in multiple cryptocurrencies. With these services, you can also convert ERC20 to BEP20 to earn passive income.
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