Made My Very First Sale Today on! Really excited to be getting off the ground!
Today I made my very first sale on! You can see that the prices that I sold these cards at were actually pretty good and I'm really not making very much money at all on this sale BUT the important thing is that I made my first sale and as long as nothing goes wrong with the shipping aspect of this sale then I could stand to get my first review and review are super important in this game of selling cards against the thousands and thousands of other people also selling the same cards!
When factoring in the actual market value of these cards then I'm probably actually going to lose about $1 on this sale overall because the fees came out to be around 22% since the dollar amount was so small, the charge for paypal / CC payment was steep in comparison.
However, when you consider the fact that these cards were not anything my daughter or I needed or valued highly and if you discount the actual value of the cards and instead realize these were cards we weren't using then we should clear $1.69 against the sale price versus the fees and costs of shipping.
That $1.69 we'll save, hope we make some more sales, and then when it finally adds up to be enough for us to buy something with it then we'll go and buy some new packs or whatever we can to open together! This is both exciting and fun for her and I in several different ways since we can both be involved in different aspects of the new venture.