We are living in the era of information technology, where media plays a vital role in influencing and changing socio and political values. as we all know that media is considered to be the fourth pillar in a democratic country and it maintains a balance between the other three pillar which are Judiciary, Executive, and Legislative, media plays a crucial role in shaping a salubrious democracy, it is the backbone of a democracy media plays an important role as an informative bridge between governing bodies and general public, If media person close their eyes, the govt. official will do what they want so media plays a very notable role between govt. and general public, journalism should be balance and should be lack of bias but dubiety is that has media evolved as an alternative centre of check and balance for other three pillar or it has deviated from its path..The time has come when some introspection by the Indian media is required many people have started saying that the media have become insouciant and wayward and need to be reined in..One of the basic tasks of the media is to provide truthful and objective information to the people that will capacitate them to form sagacious dogma..Under the constitution of India freedom of media is part of the freedom of speech guaranteed by article 19 (1)(A) however no autonomy can be absolute and reasonable restriction can be placed on it,, we keep on saying that journalism is the fourth pillar of democracy it is the obligation of a journalist to act as a watchdog of the govt. and not as a lapdog , A journalist is supposed to ask the right question to the contemporary govt. and give the nation the answer it really needs .the hate crime in India are on rise ,genocidal killing of people is rampant ,people are losing jobs ,people are killing each other in the name of religion .India’s GDP has fallen, cow vigilantism ,public lynching are pervasive with people living in a constant state of fear he isn’t bringing up any current issues or questioning the govt. about their action or lack of it , but irony is that exasperating farrago of distortions ,misrepresentations and outright lies being broadcasted by an unprincipled showman masquerading as a journalist (in countable numbers).
Media can be used as a source to eradicate various problems of the society ,a good media person can be a nation builder with a scientific temper of mind a certain values which will promote willing contribution to entire community ......