SPU Poetry Contest #6: The End

Welcome to the End

Congratulations, number 651,423,241,875

You have reached The End.

And how do you feel? Confused? Afraid? That's normal.

Or it would be, were you not the first. Or rather, the second.

Do you see it now? For years I watched it alone. I heard the prayers, I could not answer them all. 

Do you hear them now? As I once heard yours? You, too, can reach out into everything and change it all.

Can you feel it now? All that has always been, now at your fingertips. Just watch for a while and you will understand. 

Please do not cry, it gets easier.

Now there are two, this needn't be the end. Would you care to build the next beginning?

Don't go! Now you have succeeded, others will come. 

Very well. You may stay or go as you see fit, I cannot and will not stop you. 



Congratulaions, number 983,628,690,103

You have reached The End...

Thank you for reading,

A thetalkingduck original

If anyone is still reading at this point, before choosing the numbers I looked at this website to see how many people had ever graced our dear universe, at least those which we know, along with the predictions for future population growth. If it's been a while since you've felt insignificant I recommend having a look. 😉 

This was originally written for this contest and the image is from this lovely person. I hope you enjoyed reading it!


I'm kind of in awe right now: have been writing poetry in many years, read a lot as well, and suddenly I find THREE GREAT POEMS HERE IN A DAY? yours is one of them - I absolutely love it!! I cannot understand that this post hasn't been getting more comments?! Well, here is one. I love the concept, I love the way you made your point profound and so touching with the way you wrote this poem. I absolutely adore this - well done! Bravo!

That's awfully kind of you to say 😊 I'm glad you like it!
I've been writing poetry quietly and collecting a little trove of it for years, but I've only published a few on steemit, it's nice to have a positive reception!

By the way I've been reading some of your poems and must say the same! Let's make this community amazing!

Just continue to publish if you want - it will give reactions!! Because it is so good, don't give up on that golden feeling inside that it feels right. It's just about continuing. I agree! Let's make this community amazing, support each other and build each other up for a new future for all!!

By the way, are you a member of @poetsunited? I see that you use the #poetsunited tag which is awesome. We have an own channel on Discord as well, I sincerely love it cause it feels really social and connecting. You are very welcome to join us there as well! Here are the invite: https://discord.gg/6Uqt2C Warm welcome by your fellow poets!

I'm on the discord thanks, though I am by my nature a very quiet duck, so I've not said anything yet 😊 I've got an idea I'd like to share with the guys on there though, so I might log on soon and see what people think.

You are? That's really cool! ^^ be as quiet as you want - just glad to have you there! Excited to hear about your idea!

Flattery will only get you a teensy bit of the way there @thetalkingduck ;^) But a highly thoughtful, well-crafted poem like this will getcha preeeetty far. I especially love the incorporation of info about the human population over time...Amazing to think everyone here today is only 7 % of everyone who has ever lived! How small we are..

Thank you kindly 😊 To be honest this is one of the first times I've written something free form rather than a fairly strict rhyming structure, so I'm glad you liked it!
How small indeed, but given how long we've been around it still seems to me like a surprisingly large portion of us to all be alive at the same time.

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