Piece of Art | "A Silly Dream" (Midnight Thoughts Poetry) 🌑

in #poetry7 years ago (edited)


"A Silly Dream"

There's a stranger back then
He tells me something,
"You came out from my dream,
Now I see you real"
He's completely insane
He gets his space
And I give him space
I want to escape
I don't wanna see his face
He holds me firm
And I feel so scared
I run in haste
Still stuck in the same place
I screamed my heart out
But nobody hears me shout
Bang! I fall on my bed
And relief touched my head
After all, it was just
A silly dream

Time is ticking, I find my self wandering, having a hard time to sleep so I ended up watching my surrounding. And made this little piece of artwork sad thing is I didn't take photos of a step by step process for this artwork. Anyways thanks for reading this Midnight Thoughts Poetry of mine dear steemians. And I hope you like this piece of artwork of mine.

Stay tune for more of my artwork guys. If you find this cute please don't forget to upvote. And if you want to say something you can freely type it in the comment section below.

Happy steeming guys!



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