Or long lived heroes;
Just dead men and
Men trying to live.
Or serfs;
Just men waiting for bread,
Praying for help,
Dying where they stand.
Or restitution;
Just death and the smell of rot
And decay,
Just the lines of old tears
And the sting of new ones.
Or enemies;
Just rats striving to survive,
Struggling to be noticed,
Praying to be saved.
Or hell;
Just this earth,
This ball of dust and water,
Of harsh winds and tempestuous storms,
Of blue eye fishes
And rosy scented flowers.

They are wrapping it in a shroud,
They are leaving a hole,
A wound in the surface of the sky.
This black hole bereft of light,
Of warmth, of song.
Its jagged edges flap, empty,
Lonely in the broken sky.
They are laying flowers,
They are mourning dirges
From stifled tongues.
They are burying the sun.
Darkness has come.
How he made you feel?
Will you remember his touch,
His kiss on your neck,
His sparkle on the playful stream,
His romance with the moon?
Will you remember?

The maidens standing still,
Staring at the empty space,
Ringed with flowers and men.
They ponder their fates,
They wonder at their dreams
And they hold on to their truth,
As the earth pauses and scents
The blades of the freshly cut grass.
And the leather skin sighs,
Ripples in anticipation.
Somewhere, in the darkness,
A sad flute hesitates into being,
Becomes a tune and whispers
Among the tree tops.
The haunting melody tinkles
The cowries shackled to hesitant ankles
And several feet caress the naked earth.
And as it walks on the surface of the dream,
Music is born.
At first it teases, grips and squeezes,
Then grabs a hold, throttles and chokes,
And the maidens, they dance.
Shiny with palm oil,
Soft with the sweetness of the rains,
Fat with the ripeness of the moon,
Beautiful with the eyes of the darkness.
Oh jigida beads! Jingling
To beats older than man,
To music lost between here and there;
Sacred, yet venal;
Pure, yet sweet as sin.
Gods! The maidens,
They dance and every man
Swears the gods, they came
To witness the forbidden sight.
Hey folks, this is Oskilo's blog and he would love to read your suggestions on how to make this blog better serve you. He would like to know what you, his reader, think of the content so do not forget to leave a comment; you just might have something he needs.

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

Excellent lines bro..
I liked the way you used figure of speech in discribing the sun, though have forgotten the exact figure of speech 😂😂. Simile or metaphor. I can't remember again oo
And the way you pictured the maidens are nice too.
Really enjoyed myself as I pictured these poetry. First one was about ancient/old. One that further decribes ruins and struggles of men and kings.
The third caught my attention, when the maidens come in... Sweet, I love women 😂😂,young sweet maidens. Imagine them dancing 💃, oh! Sweet dances! The sound of the drums, loud and it's rythm soothing to the ears.