I never heard of the word 'gorse' before as I read the title my first thought was the sheep- and goatshit around me and I wondered if I live in LA-LA land
as I read the title my first thought was the sheep- and goatshit around me
Title doesn't contain the word 'sheep' or 'goat', but perhaps you are saying that you thought a 'gorse' was an animal, something like a sheep or a goat? Personally, I like 'Gorseshit', dunno much about goatshit.
I wondered if I live in LA-LA land
My belief is that only you may be knowing whether you do or you do not. I do not know whether you do or do not live in LA-LA land!
If you think 'Gorseshit' is more than a combination of 'Gorse' and 'Shit', feel free to let me know what connections you are making.
I never heard of the word 'gorse' before as I read the title my first thought was the sheep- and goatshit around me and I wondered if I live in LA-LA land
Posted using Partiko Android
Fair enough
Title doesn't contain the word 'sheep' or 'goat', but perhaps you are saying that you thought a 'gorse' was an animal, something like a sheep or a goat? Personally, I like 'Gorseshit', dunno much about goatshit.
My belief is that only you may be knowing whether you do or you do not. I do not know whether you do or do not live in LA-LA land!
Thank you for sharing these 'connections'.