Que genial ver que hay poemas con fecha del 2006. Me alegra que pudiste encontrar ese libro y que tenga muchas paginas y lo puedas llenar.
How great to see that there are poems dated 2006. I'm glad you could find that book and have many pages and you can fill it.
Oddly this book starts in 2004, and ends in 2006, most of my books before this would be lucky to last two months, I think I filled one book in two weeks while I was on the road. It still does have a lot of blank pages, you are right I should fill them. Gracias!
you write a lot then! clear to lose those blank pages, it would be better to fill them ... Greetings brother
escribes mucho entonces !. claro para que perder esas paginas en blanco, sera mejor llenarlas ...Saludos hermano