It is often proclaimed that
The heart wants what it wants
Though I cannot fathom a guess
As to why
This heart of mine desires you
I once thought you were Heaven sent
Granted that
My prayers were never aimed at
Loving you
Yet love you
I do
I know not how to proceed
Blindsided by this
I am forced to feel
My way
Past the dark
Disregard you offer
In exchange for
My foolhardy display
© 2018 Tina Jordan All Rights Reserved
Photo by Simon Matzinger on Unsplash
You never fail to inspire great emotions with your writing. I do so love to read it <3
Thank you so much <3
it's mysterious the way the heart has its own reasons and follows its own wisdom...but I never went wrong following my heart - the trick is separating out the voice of your heart from the call of the flesh ;) Good to see you again, Tina
Tricky business for sure. ;) Thanks so much John.
El amor es por antonomasia el tema fundamental de la poesía, @tinajordan, y el amor no correspondido más. De él se han escrito páginas, libros enteros y nadie ha hallado el motivo de su existencia. amamos una y otra vez y siempre vamos como ciegos a su encuentro. aunque seamos experimentados, en el amor somos novatos, aprendices. Gracias por compartir.
Es la verdad, todo lo que dices. Muchas gracias por leer mi poema :)