Journeys End - Original Poetry

in #poetry7 years ago

Remember when
we were young
full of ambition
A child
with a future
full of promise

A teen feeling love
for the very first time
Ready for adventure
in a wild new world
A wild child

Now an adult
The path ahead
a dead end
unable to turn
and go back
as the past fades
into a distant memory
Not ready
to end my journey





Beautifully woven words

Nice, thanks for sharing. Now following, pls follow me back.

Thank you! Glad you enjoy. I don't really do follow for follow, but I'll check out your posts and if something catches my eye I def. will!

Wow . I just love your poem , I do write poems , You should definitely check my poems

Thank you! I will check out your work!

I am new to steemit , so most of my content gets buried .

Just keep grinding! The cream always rises.

I do hope for it , so I can buy myself a DSLR camera , so I can start with my Photography Career .

Oh nice! Well you certainly can, I see stories almost daily with others posting things they have purchased with earnings from Steemit

I think it will take me 2 years to collect that much .

Nah, if you post quality stuff and you're consistent you'll get there

Life is longer then the child or the man can foresee. Live it well. The faces that have faded have changed anyways, as have you. Don't throw away a future because it's never promised, can be taken too quickly. Live live live. Great poem, don't let the inevitability get you down

Never! I live every day to the fullest! You can't focus on the end, if you're busy living the now.

I really like this photo

Me too! I thought it fit well. I haven't seen you post lately, maybe I have been too busy to notice...I hope all is well, bud.

Nice poem and so true. I am definitely not ready to end my journey!

Glad you enjoyed!

Touching <3 XO