Secrets untold

in #poetry6 years ago

Secrets untold

How many secrets do you hold
Are they yours or from another told
Would you ever be so bold
To let it all flow despite the cold?

In the closets there be bones
And many lives lay buried
Upon mind and back the stones
Til across the river ferried

Walking the slow walk on chain
The ball dragging close behind
Digging in earth and leaving stain
Hoping that none will ever find

What is hidden beneath is it treasure
Is holding on for life the pleasure
Would release provide greater leisure
Or is vault held tight man's measure?

Seeing all that is open to be observed
Mental note of this, that and start
To the people favour could be served
Though to do so is to threaten heart

Lives separated by invisible wall
Words of meaning lost down cracks
Many kneel and some feign tall
As they continue to build their stacks

What is held tight begins to steep
As the mind makes incredible leap
Out from the fissures words seap
The secrets once sworn to keep.

[ a Steem original ]


In the closets there be bones
And many lives lay buried
Upon mind and back the stones
Til across the river ferried

I love that first line... There be bones! I picture Charon with his hand out like everyone else wanting a coin for each secret...

like everyone else wanting a coin for each secret...


That's why I am honest to a fault wearing my heart on my sleeve...

I don't want no secrets... Coins be damned... and I won't lie though. When I read there be bones my mind internalized it in the accent of pirate!

All jest aside, this was an amazing expression through the poetic verse.

The way I see it in this age everything will come out about everyone. And nobody will have time to care. People love themselves and has no time to sit and think and read about others all day long haha. It may look like people care on the Internet but they seriously do not care! We want to feel so special that we have some huge secrets that the whole world is dying to know. The truth is most of us are extremely ordinary and has no Dexter double life on the side haha.

on the internet, in real life, there is no difference.

There are two kinds of "secrets once sworn to keep": those sworn to someone else, and those much darker ones sworn to yourself to never be revealed. Those first ones are easier borne but those dark and unspeakable ones must remain in the dark depths of consciousness. Those closer to the surface may be revealed with the passing of time, but the dark ones, never.

Ask someone who has been in combat and they will not talk about details. Those are the real secrets which remain in the dark.

Ask someone who has been in combat and they will not talk about details. Those are the real secrets which remain in the dark.

those that know, don't speak.

Perfect restatement!

I think everyone has something in their closets. This can hold you back from doing things as you may know too much. I normally like everything in the open. What follows secrets is lies and deception.

it does hold back as one ca n't act along any path that might reveal.

Your metaphors are riddles stuck in rhymes and stanzas. One has to pay attention to the deeper meaning of words. It is a beautiful well-written piece...

Many kneel and some feign tall

The depth of that line stood out.

Thank you Tez

One has to pay attention to the deeper meaning of words.

I agree. if people spent a little more time on depth, they would see things that change their ways.

Would you ever be so bold
To let it all flow despite the cold?

No, i dont see it happening, i have learnt to bold even in the cold

Lives separated by invisible wall
Words of meaning lost down cracks
Many kneel and some feign tall
As they continue to build their stacks

Maybe one day this invisible wall will be broken down and we shall once again build our words and live by it

beautiful rhyme scheme AAAA for all your stanza, then BCBC for your 3rd stanza it's an amazing poem

Yes, some secrets are like having a bag of bones of a dead person in the closet. Soon the person build walls that separate from others, behind the walls remain the secret keeper and the secret itself, the two of them are the only ones that know the truth and that isolates the person. We have to get rid of many of those secrets because in't healthy for our soul.

wow... another rhyming and well written masterpiece. Your poems are really inspirational, and one way or the other is able to evoke a sense of nostalgia. Keep sharing, Bro.

supper writing buddy, so amazing poetry

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