Prayers Please And A Poem For My Son

in #poetry7 years ago (edited)

As My World Lies Broken In A Bed


I sit here at the bedside of my 24 year old son, Rodney. He was involved in a horrible single vehicle roll over crash on 8/24. He was taken from the scene via life flight helicopter. It happened on a desolate stretch of highway with nothing but pasture and swamp on both sides of the road. No street lights for miles and most times no traffic.

On this particular night, an off duty police officer from Maryland happened to be behind Rodney and came upon the scene before too much time had passed. The roll was estimated to be around 1/8 of a mile with a mile long debris field. He was traveling at a high rate of speed, 100 - 120 mph. I do not know the name of the off duty officer who phoned for the chopper but I hope to find out. Were it not for him, the rescue would have been a recovery instead. With two collapsed lungs he would not have survived long.

The crash occurred at 10:20 p.m. and a call was made to me at 12:15 a.m. I have never been on a longer car ride in my life. Nothing can prepare you to see your child in such a state. No amount of television shows or gruesome movies compares to the total devastation you will feel when you see your own child in a trauma unit.


Just a guy doing what he loves

This is the information I first put out on Facebook

Hi everyone. I'd like to give you all a brief update on Rodney's condition.

First off, he's got one helluva fight on his hands. To be honest, we don't know for sure if he will make it or not. He has severe thoracic trauma including two collapsed lungs, several broken ribs, internal bleeding and a perforated colon. The bleeding and colon were addressed earlier today with an emergency surgery.

Now on to the head. He has some head trauma, then extent of which is not yet known. Possible eye issues, neck injuries and c4 vertebrae concerns are the most dangerous, along with the possible brain injuries.

He had a dislocated elbow, which has been set. Thankfully no other broken bones.

Rodney is young and strong and will fight as much as he is able. He needs you all, though, and I am not too proud to beg you to please, please lift him up in thought and prayer as often as you can. He loves you all so much.

I thank each and every one of you for replying with your well wishes and prayers. I am sure that those great thoughts helped to get him through the surgery this morning that the doctors warned us was the worst option, but the absolute only choice we had. THANK YOU!!!

Playing a gig.

Rodney works a tough day job and makes music at night. He is the drummer for a metal band called Sick Thrill. The remaining shows planned for the summer and fall have been cancelled. Time will tell when he will play again.

While I was sitting here willing him to heal, I wrote a poem for him. I have never written poetry before, don't know the different styles of poetry, nor in fact, have I read much poetry until recently when I met up with @clayboyn and @lukakorba. Things that they write usually strike a chord in me and maybe that's why I wrote a poem for Rodney.


There upon his pretty face
was laid a ghastly hue,
Amidst the ropelike tubes
skin showed both black and blue.

His eyes were swollen, one and two
his lips as cold as ice,
It brought a tear to me and you
to see him pay this price.

He cannot move, he cannot speak
To tell of pains aplenty,
He simply listens to the creak
of voices, ten or twenty.

He squeezed my hand and made me cry
when I told him I was there,
I then asked if he could try
to hit me with his stare.

He has a way of looking through
your soul to see what's there,
He knows if you are false or true
He sees the lies you wear.

If true you be, a friend for life
is what you'll have from him,
He'll do his best to keep the strife
from striking on a whim

A thousand hands or maybe more
are lifting him in prayer,
We're seeking grace from every shore
if you should like to share.

I welcome you, come one come all
join your voices unto mine,
Let's lift him up to God's great hall
I'll be the first in line.

Your countenance upon him shine
like dewdrops on a flower,
Allow to heal both fair and fine
you alone do have the power

A note about the title of the Poem. Quebec4241 is the name he is called in the trauma unit. Apparently all trauma patients are given military names until they are stable, identities are confirmed, toxicology reports done etc. So for now he is my son, Quebec4241.


Thanks so much for your prayers and well wishes. Rodney's facebook link is up above if you would like to read more about his story. If you would like to leave a comment on his page I would be honored to read it to him and he will see it when he is able to read again.



Dear Tamaralovelace, my heart and tears go out to you and of course Rodney. I just read your post and was so shocked by what has happened. My prayers and best wishes for him to find strength, courage and determination to make that long journey to recovery. I also pray for God to give you strength and much love during this very difficult time. No mother should have to go through what you are going through. It is so heartbreaking and shocking.

It is extremely important to keep letting him know you are there. I've worked with many such cases and the one thing that they all said when they recovered was the fact that they could hear everything and just hearing that familiar voice makes all of the difference. Even if their eyes are closed, they somehow will hear what their loved ones are saying. That bridge to reality keeps them connected and there seems to be a strong pathway for them to keep fighting. Continue to hold his hand and talk to him. If possible, also gently place your hand on his forehead and slowly sweep upward. That is what many do to comfort a patient. I would hold his hand like you are doing. A lot is conveyed through touch and the hand.

Tamaralovelace, your beautiful poem said everything. It was a heart felt expression of a mother's love and concern. You should frame that poem because it is a beautiful piece of love. Be strong and persevere through this horrible time. Take care of yourself because your son will need you to be strong for him. I will constantly think of you and pray for your son. If you need to talk, you can try steemit chat. I'm listed under cabbagepatch. Our time zones I think are six hours off but it you leave a message, I will be notified by my email.

Be strong and try to find the strength to give your son hope and determination to pull through. It will help him. When you can, please give us updates so that we may there with you in spirit. Please take care!....Cabbagepatch!

Oh my sweet, sweet friend... that is the kindest, warmest hug ever. I am a bit in shock, still. I mean I am here, sitting here for these past three days, I know it is happening, but the enormity of it hasn't sunk in yet, I don't think. My mind is coming down off of the numbing tears, and it hurts. My eyes hurt and I can't sleep. I got my computer today and first wrote the poem for my son. It was to be private I didn't want to share it with anyone. I remembered your posts and how the writing of them eased your discomfort, pain and sadness. And so I wrote this post. I've never prayed so hard, cried so much, or hurt so much ever. When I heard your words in my head about writing easing the pain, the funny thing is I imagined it in your voice, a voice as soft and comforting as your words. Isn't that funny? Thank you so much for your many kindnesses and I will take you up on the chat during the coming days, if you have the time. I am on family medical leave from work and now 'live' here in the trauma center until he is stepped down into regular icu. I spend countless hours each day just sitting beside him reading his facebook messages or talking about this and that. Forgive me for rambling on, I do that in the best of times. Thank you for the continued hope and encouragement, prayers, well wishes, etc. I would have a difficult time indeed without all the encouragement!

Tamaralovelace, I know you are going through so much right now. When you can take deep healing breaths and push out the negative energy. Try to envision sending healthy positive vibes to both yourself and your son. Being present with him is very powerful. Touch and your voice is also very powerful. Be strong and be hopeful. Right now we need to take each hour, each day one step at a time. Eventually you will realize what is happening. The brain protects us so we don't overload so that is why you are in a fog like reality.

You have to eat and rest when you can. Some situations do take time and the waiting can be hard. But you are a good and strong person who can do it. Make sure you drink water and keep hydrated. Dig deep into your inner being and find the source of your strength. You are not alone. We are all with you in spirit. Like I said, if you need to express yourself, just either use Steemitchat or start writing your thoughts down. I did the same when Lady was diagnosed with lymphoma. It really helps to write your thoughts and feelings out. In a way it is like talking to a psychologist or a friend. Write what you are feeling. It does help.

If I don't write back right away, just know that I will as soon as I can. I've been spending my nights pretty much up because of Lady...have to make sure she goes out which is often. I sometimes have to take a nap during the day when my daughter and her boyfriend can help out. So there will be times I may not be able to answer.

Be strong for your son and for yourself. Believe that he will get better each hour, each day. Bones will heal but sometimes it takes the brain a little longer. Just do what you are doing. He does hear you. Have faith and believe. Please take care my friend!!!

Tamaralovelace, I just want to let you know I am thinking about you and Rodney. I continue to hope and pray that you both find the inner strength to persevere through this very difficult time. Sending you healing thoughts, love and warm embrace. Please take care!!!

Thank you again, @cabbagepatch for your kindness and caring. You are such a comfort and you write in such a calm, collected manner that it is as helpful as if you were right here. I hope your Lady is doing is no less heartbreaking than sitting by a child <3

You are so welcome. I think about how you and Rodney are doing each day. Hopefully you both are hanging in can be a very draining ordeal. Lady is doing well so far. Your situation by far is worse.....I can't imagine what I would do if it were my daughter. You are such a strong woman but you still need to take care of yourself! I tried to go on Steemit chat but every time I click on your name, nothing comes up. I will try again later.

Please take care and be well Tamaralovelace. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Rodney!!!

The well wishes are working...improvements are being made incrementally, the overall progress being forward. I am not sure if I've done the Steemit chat properly. I w ill get back in there and see what I can find out.

So glad you're talking about improvements and progress. Stay strong, both of you!

Thank you so much @ladyrebecca! All the positive energy is doing much good!

This is hectic. I am really sorry about what happened to your son. That is very traumatizing for you, I can imagine. I love that you are following your passion with the drums! It's really awesome to see.

Talk soon!

Thank you so much!!! I appreciate your positive energies <3

Being a mother myself I can only imagine the pain and anxiety you are experiencing...your poem brought tears to my heart goes out to you all

Hi @lellabird60. Thank you so much for your heartfelt comment. It is literally the toughest time I've ever been through. I am simply on auto pilot. Kiss your children and hug them tight and thank you, once again!

I will pray for Rodney. Heal well.


Thank you so very much for your prayers! <3 <3

I wish you some rest and peace of mind. I wish him strength in this time along with being well. Resteemed.

Thank you so very much @stillwater. Strength is exactly what he needs and when his fails, he can fall back on the strength of a thousand well wishers! Thank you again, you have my gratitude <3

Shocking and horrifying incident. I pray for Rodney and I'm sure he gonna make it and will be recovered soon. I pray for you too so that you stay strong in such difficult time. I'm sure the prayers from all of us will speed up the recovery. God bless and good luck.

Thank you so much @panknil! You are right when you say the prayers of many will speed up the recovery. That is exactly why I put my situation out for all to gather prayers, healing energies, good karma, reiki, well wishes, good vibrations...all of it. No matter the religion, race or belief system...every single person has some form of healing 'method' and pain and suffering don't know the difference between them all. All are welcome and I love them all. I love you all for sending your goodness to wash over my son :) Thank you <3

Praying for Rodnry and you as you go through this ordeal.

Thank you @johncalvin! That is precisely what he needs. The more positive energy the better!!

This is a parent's worse nightmare. Wishing you and especially your son all the best!

Yes, it's something I could never have prepared for. Thank You @ladyrebecca!!! Thank you for the well wishes!!

My thoughts are with you and Rodney. Be strong Tamara.

It's a beautiful poem... for a beautiful boy. I'm so glad you stopped into poetry workshop and that we could meet. I'll be praying for Rodney and agreeing for his full recovery.

Thank you @geke! I am also happy to have stopped into the poetry workshop. Very happy to have met you also, it helped just to simply chat :) Thank you for your prayers and your agreement for his full recovery. He's not yet gone for the MRA's 4:50 pm eastern, so should be pretty soon! Thanks again so much and I will update you with the results as soon as I get them <3

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