A desolate man crossed a yard

Numerous years prior (too long back to specify days or months)
A desolate man crossed a yard,
When, twice, three times, crossing that gravelly space.
I saw him twice, thinking chance had driven me on,
In any case, on the third event (gracious, that dear face!)
How might I question he crossed and recrossed the yard
Managed to by something found and lost?
Dark structures, pitiably enormous upheld by giant extends of the dirtied sky,
Schemed to contain that yard, its lone figure pacing back and forth.
Quickly then there's not really any event whereupon I,
Or on the other hand, some other could expound on such an event
But now when the dark structures and the yellow yard,
Crossed and recrossed by that man who vanished one day
As brilliant and simulated as tin, moved toward becoming
The detached deeds of this segregated demonstration.