Mind Magic 2. #0416

in #poetry7 years ago

--Many of you will have heard of this practice, and, I hope, many actually use this consciously daily. This ancient method might seem difficult at the beginning, but like any skill it needs a practice of repetition to see better results. A meditative practice can help, but in whatever method suits you, empty your mind. Breathing and slowing the count of your breath is another method. When you have held your mind empty of vrittas, that swift flow of images that pass across your thoughts all the time, envisage a ten dollar note. Picture it, with all its engraving, then picture it in a wad, however thick. Try to do this for at least a minute, and then every day, at the same time of day, and gradually increase the time you 'see' the note, and the wad of notes.
--You can visualise anything, a car, a house, a better job or even a healthier you, but it's best to stick with the one picture at the same time of day, every day for a sufficient time, before changing the picture or the time of day. I usually do my practice immediately before my day is entered with other people and in periods of nine days, like a novena.
--The other method you might like to do has been very successful with a great many. It comprises of you gathering the requirements to hand-buikd a small wooden box. Not your wife or secretary or assistant, but you have to gather materials and build with your own hands a box no bigger than a cake tin. It doesn't have to be professional, just strong enough to hold together, and may be built of cast-iff small pieces of boxwood, balsa wood or plywood, or whatever small pieces of easy to come by wood you find. About nine inches by six inches and perhaps two or three deep, you will first place in it a ten dollar note. This initial deposit is the all-important one and if this is withdrawn then a new box must be built to begin again. After the first ten put in a one dollar then another one dollar. Then if you can each day put in another, or a two dollar or another ten dollar. Whenever you have spare change, put it in the box. You might be surprised that your box has always got money in it. I do this as if the money I put in the box at arriving home is spent money. That cup of coffee I 'didn't' have, that bus-fare not used when I walked to clear my head. Leaving the original ten in the box 'I' made, I then occasional every week or second week withdraw that which is there and put it in an investment or Christmas club account.

--EIAEL : God who smiles on the progeny of Man., -occult protection & bestows divine wisdom., -if you feel crushed by adversity or the magnitude of divine mysteries., -approx 20/2 - 24/2 (1° - 5°♓)
--HABUHIAH : God, the kindest giver., -promotes healing, keeps you in Good Health & brings you closer to Nature., -to escape urban pollution, if ill, if hopes of having a child have remained unfulfilled., -approx 25/2 - 29/2 (6° - 10°♓)
--ROCHEL : God who gives generously., -helps find lost objects or people., -defends from thieves & kidnappers., -approx 1/3 - 6/3 (11° -15°♓)
--JABAMIAH : God who sees everything., -renews strength, physical & mental., -approx 6/3 - 11-3 (16° - 20°♓)
--HAIAIEL : God who produces all things., -grants freedom to the oppressed., -if you feel you are being subjected to physical or mental abuse., -approx 12/3 - 16/3 (21° - 25°♓)
--MUMIAH : Lord of the Universe., -grants success, gives health to the elderly., -protects those in the medical field., -approx 17/3 - 21/3 (26° - 30°♓)

--MEBAHIAH for money problems, with HARAEL.
--ALADIAH for health, happiness and luck.
--SEHEIAH for healing.
--REHAEL healing for other
--YEIAHEL for eye problems
--Issues of spiritual & intellectual.
--Issues of professional nature.
--ELEMIAH - all; ACHAIAH - agriculture; CAHETEL - agriculture; LAUVIAH - showbiz; MEBAHEL - legal; LEUVIAH - all; YEIAYEL - commerce; HAAIAH - politicians, police; OMAEL - medical; LECABEL - agriculture; VASARIAH - legal; IEIAZEL - journalistic; VEULIAH - military; HAHASIAH - Medecine, pharmacy.
--For emotional issues and problems relating to family and relationships.
--And at last, but by no means least the four Archangels, which in rituals one might invoke at the cardinal points enclosing your circle in that extra protection. MICHAEL, GABRIEL, URIEL, RAPHAEL.
--There are many studies on www. In Quabalah, Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism, and even Zoroastrian. These simple short posts here in, were used by me since before the internet and they have been sufficient. I do not adhere to any church doctrine, because it is doctrine, and is the rules of one group of men placed upon another. No man can know what is best for another, but can only have an opinion. Opinions'are best kept to organize one's own predilections and not enforced upon any one else. The whole cause of all arguments and extreme violence is the differences in opinions of persons who will not allow others their opinions.
''The ability to be free, is the ability to grant others the ability to be free.'' < Harold Klemp, La Havre, 1982 >
--May the blessings be.
--Keep on keeping on. 😇

~ Druid Dhubh ~ Blackbird.
--This is the bird of enchantment. In Celtic legends one might enter into a magical trance from hearing it's song, and be enabled to enter the Otherworld. Signifying self-awareness and self-discovery, involving exploration of one's inner world and individual psyche.
~ Ngetal ~ Reed.
--Often used for writing it signifies knowledge and learning. A symbol of unfolding destiny and the ability to manifest greatness. The baby Taliesin was found in a reed basket afloat upon the waters. Later, he was famous for wisdom, greatness, as a hero, bard and shaman, which are all qualities of the reed.

''Civility Cost Nothing But Is Worth Much.''

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