#1 {A Friend 🌼} An original poem
When everyone left me
I was sobbing under the sun
Feeling pain of the world being so mean
I had to handle it all forever I can't run
As I looked up to wipe the brackish water off
I saw someone sitting besides whose way even sun can't clog
It looked as if it was just my other half
Though my friend wore a black tog
My friend spent whole day being by my side
Whether it was sun or rain we were together
Never complained never acted boorish I realised my friend is of sober nature
I felt happy to have someone by me be it deep ocean or tide
As the sun went down and darkness came in
I saw my friend disappearing
I thought I was wrong to again trust someone
Again I was alone accompanied by none
As I woke up the next morning at nine
Again I saw a posture who doesn't looks tony
And then I realised my friend never abandoned me
It's the dark that scares my crony
Instead of leaving my side it took shelter at my behind
Whenever the sky goes somewhere else to shine
And this will coil us forever in a bind
For my shadow is forever mine