The jitters that comes when I think of parenthood is inexplicable. What with the hustle and bustle of this world of ours and the constant pull of technology, it has become extremely difficult to raise responsible children.
When I look around me, I see children unwittingly growing into adulthood without being properly groomed... Without understanding values that could make Them better persons in the society. Parents are too busy fending for their wards financially to teach them. The result is an increase in juvenile delinquents, young men and women without a care in the world for the feelings of those around them, and even when they manage to pull through their teenage years into adulthood, they have no clue as to how to make their children better (one cannot teach what he does not know, can he?) and then the cycle continues, getting worse each time.
Despite all these, children are beautiful... They radiate happiness and have a way of getting you annoyed in a pleasant manner... This poem titled "for my son" expresses my fears and resolve. Steemians, your upvotes and honest criticisms will be appreciated.
I won't leave you a boxful of diamonds
Albeit I might dare to give you the world
For I have spent my days watching the ants
Throwing from shoulder to shoulder food cans
Perhaps I've also squandered my nights
Observing the monkeys dilly dallying on avocadoes
Running up and down with paper kites
I'm scared you won't find me here
For in search of peace I have set sail
Into the Atlantic where there is no fear of hail
Waves after waves of slimy silt balasting my face
Horizon cascaded in blue black shades
But son what can I tell you of peace
When you were probably conceived with a cacophony of questions?
I still think of you as possible
Even though I find the cloak ''dad'' too heavy to down most days
You deserve someone who wears the Monica like banner
But I promise you in like manner
I will give you a life
One helluva life without strife
And one helluva morning worth waking for