The Poem I Wrote On 9-11-2001 after I Saw the Towers Fall on Live TV...

in #poetry7 years ago

Our Great Foundation

When great evil stirs itself
to commit horrendous crimes...
When unseen foes are driven
and provoked to change the times...

We have one solid Comfort
in this United Nation.
We have one strong and sturdy
Rock, and One Great Foundation!

When grief, and shock, and anger
climax within our border...
When the deeds of wicked men
cause destruction rare, yet sure...

Then we KNOW where our strength is.
It is found in God alone.
For mere and mortal mankind
Knows that God is our sure Stone!

For when turbulent times come
crashing down like a war zone,
to turn to God, our backbone.

And while some may mock or jeer
that we knelt in reverent prayer,
we KNOW where our strength abides!
It is in God, who HEARS our prayers!

Then our unshakeable God
hears this belov'd nation.
And that's when we remember
Our Rock and Great Foundation!

**Author's Notes: My Dad was in the living room when it came up suddenly on the breaking news. He called everyone to come quick. I got to the living room and watched the second plane dive right into the second tower; and we all watched in shock as it came crumbling down. Before that day ended, I brought my tears and penned this poem as a reminder... We should always remember what happened...
We should always remember the attack, the heroes who gave their lives saving others, the tear-jerking rescue stories, the rubble and debris, the rescue dogs wearing cute little tiny boots to protect their fragile paws, the hit to the economy, the comforting as Americans rallied together as One Nation, working together to restore and rebuild from ground zero. Things would change, but in the midst of it all, we could look up to God for inspiration to build again.

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