Poem - It's not a choice
They is always choice
Not black and not white
But grey alternatives
They is always choice
They is always choice
Not an one easy
Not an one hard
Both have benefits and inconveniences
Non-judgement is needed
For the freedom of choice
Love is needed
For the freedom of thoughts
Someone see no choice
Help is needed
They is always an alternative
They is always choice
Choices can be life changing
Choices can changes others life
They is no best choice
They is your choice
We could think it is a choice
But no, this time it isn’t
It is not a choice
She didn't choose
Not a choice
Killing our self is not a choice
Brain under vicious circle
An act when one see no choice
Suicide is not a choice
Even if they are some
Solutions are not seen anymore
She didn't choose to let you

This poem is dedicated to a little boy who lost his mother in the end of September 2018 and to all the people touched by near or far from the drama of a suicide.
It's a paradox for me to write about death while I'm welcoming a new baby boy, in the mean time it's my present reality.

Cover image from unsplash.com and under free to use license.