STUPID GirL (writing inspired by past relationships)
I wrote this today, expressing my hurts in order to unload the weight on my heart.
Dead brain bitch, attempts to stich the rich and vast amount of pain endured on the desirable victims of low self confidence, attempting to drag us down when we dwell within the bottom of the endless pit.
You can't hurt me when I own all hurt,
You can't drag me when your back is against the wall.
You can't bring me down when there is no furthur to fall,
I am the void so what are you trying to steal from me?
She tried, She lied,
She attempted to burn me when my body is no more than ash,
Tried to shock me when I'm the source of electricity,
Fuck you, Stupid girl,
Hate isn't a word I'd eclaim when I hear your name,
I just shake my head and roll my eyes.
Thank you for your time.
I hope you enjoy my pain.