meaning of happiness through poetry Islamic

in #poetry7 years ago

Make sense of happiness is not coming down from the sky but be grateful for that. Meaning with worship, such as fasting in the holy month of ramadan, prayer idul fitri, eid adha, memorial isra 'mi'raj and maulid prophet. Islam is a straight path, Islamic poetry is a straight path for anyone who has or is facing life problems. Hoping to be able to take wisdom lessons by making them some verses of poetry. Not forgetting all our greatest wishes to convey to the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, along with the prophets of God. We are just a piece of decayed wood that is swept away by the river's most intense stream and disappears at the waterfall end of the mystery of nature barzah.

Memaknai kebahagiaan bukan turun dari langit melainkan mensyukuri dari yang ada. Memaknai dengan ibadah, seperti ibadah puasa dalam bulan suci ramadhan, sholat idul fitri, idul adha, peringatan isra’ mi’raj dan maulid nabi. Islam adalah jalan yang lurus, puisi islami adalah jalan lurus bagi siapapun yang telah atau sedang menghadapi permasalahan hidup. Berharap mampu mengambil hikmah kebijaksanaan dengan menjadikannya beberapa bait puisi. Tak lupa segala salam rindu kami sampaikan pada baginda Rasulullah Muhammad S.A.W, beserta para nabi Allah. Kita hanyalah sebongkah kayu lapuk yang diombang ambing arus sungai paling deras dan menghilang diujung air terjun misteri alam barzah.

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