The Circus Princess who mastered the Sword and the Magic of old Towers
468 moons and 9 cold nights
I wandered the earth alone.
As a little girl I dreamed of being
a circus princess on a flying horse.
In every frog I saw a prince
whose spell I break with my kiss.
In vain I waited for the noble knight
to appear and save me from the world.
When I realized, there is no knight
and all my dragons I fight alone.
I learned to save myself and I swallowed my tears.
My body was strong and I mastered the sword.
I saw ugliness and I treasured beauty.
My laughter was bright and I kept silent in darkness.
I screamed and I whispered,
my prayer was humble and my cursing was wild.
468 moons and nine cold nights
I prepared to love you.
I have always been faszinated with towers and I am confident that one day I will live in one.
The tower you have just visited is the Juliusturm in Berlin-Spandau and the poem in between the pictures is part of a nine poem poetry cycle I wrote a little while ago that has originally nothing to do with towers. It was the spirit of old stones and poetry coming together in a magic act I did not foresee. May the magic force of the tower be with you -
just sit and listen,
and be prepared. Cheers!
468 and 9 in numerology.......168=18=9 and we are left with 9...which Holds the wisdom of the Poem in great detail Wihtin the Number 9 ...the last single digit....the hermit of the Tarot....The las number on the abacus......The Ninth sphere earth............greta the number the words are revealed in the words the feeling is transmitted......
Thank You Kindly
The mentioned poetry cycle is called Odin's 9. You are exactly right, thank you for noticing. The 9 is truly magic and powerful. In Norse and Germanic mythology it also represents the fulfillment of a cycle, life and death. We need 9 moons (months) in the womb to transform and enter a new world. The 9th Rune of the 18 symbol Futhork is the Is Rune which represents magic and selfmastery. Odin says "I can turn floods into ice." There are many similiarities to the wisdom of the tarot as well, very interesting. It always makes me happy to see that I am not the only one! Thank you!
Loved the poem and the photos. Fit together really well.
Thank you very much.
hehehe, what is this tendency to fight dragons? lol... they are like cats, if you are mean... expect the unexpectable, and of course if you allow mean nonhumans to live among your mist, you have to accept to be CD... aka collateral damaged :D.
I am rather referring to the dragons that live within ;)