The Dark Place Again
Wounded by Women Damaged by Men. Wake up, cry in the mirror then pray Up. Two junkies holding hands I guess its real love. I searched for elders then cried because its hell here...... Where have the protectors gone? The throne is empty. The Queens are alone. I walked through the valley of the shadow of Death. My soul was put through strenuous text. I carried crystals while reciting the psalms. Blind, thirsty, and lost looking for home. Sadness crept in and took life in my bones. I get better results when I am adorned to look Pretty. Men tell me I am aggressive when I try to be Witty. I searched for a field of Sunflowers. Time empty I count Hurt to pass the hours. I try to fill my soul with Love and light. Shadows in the day.Demons at Night . I continue to look for Solomon. Wounded by Women. Damaged by Men.