Embracing Fall In Vienna With A Rainstorm Of Rainer Maria Rilke’s Words!

in #poetry7 years ago (edited)

Those mystical, windy and grey autumn days, preparing me for another chilling winter to come.

Raindrops washing away our worries and playing with our thoughts....


I am loving some "monomad" days, painting colours for my weekends with new friends.


It’s hard for me to get used to the colder times again but hanging out with a close school friend and a few Steemians @vieanna, her son @brickster and @mundharmonika in-front of the gigantic, gothic St.Stephans Cathedral in the classic cafe, called “Cafe/Hotel am Stephansplatz”, made my weekend a wonderful one.


What a breathtaking view to the majestic church, observing the vibrant streetlife around, while sipping on a cup of Melange and chatting away about @steemit and @steemfest for hours, without moving away from this perfect spot.



Once again I am thinking of poetry looking outside of the window, enjoying a rainstorm at breakfast at my friends charming Viennese house.


Suddenly, from all the green around you,
something-you don't know what-has disappeared,
you feel it creeping closer to the window,
in total silence. From the nearby wood
you hear the urgent whistling of a plover,
reminding you of someone's Saint Jerome:
so much solitude and passion come from that one voice, whose fierce request the downpour.


The walls, with their ancient portraits, glide
away from us, cautiously, as though
they weren't supposed to hear what we are saying.
And reflected on the faded tapestries now;
the chill, uncertain sunlight of those long
childhood hours when you were so afraid.
by Rainer Maria Rilke




Yours @mammasitta via @esteemapp
Supporting @welovesteemit



Liebe @mammasitta, war gestern eine sehr schöne Zeit mit euch in diesem Café, mit dem phantastischen Ausblick auf den Stephansdom!

Schönes Gedicht von Rilke!

Ich liebe Rilke !!!
Unser gemeinsamer Tag war so schön!

Natur ist glücklich. Doch in uns begegnen
sich zuviel Kräfte, die sich wirr bestreiten:
wer hat ein Frühjahr innen zu bereiten?
Wer weiß zu scheinen? Wer vermag zu regnen?
Wem geht ein Wind durchs Herz, unwidersprechlich?
Wer faßt in sich der Vogelflüge Raum?
Wer ist zugleich so biegsam und gebrechlich
wie jeder Zweig an einem jeden Baum?
Wer stürzt wie Wasser über seine Neigung
ins unbekannte Glück so rein, so reg?
Und wer nimmt still und ohne Stolz die Steigung
und hält sich oben wie ein Wiesenweg?

Aus: Die Gedichte 1910 bis 1922 (München, Frühjahr 1919)

I love the quote about being born again each morning. Love your photos too. Old European buildings, especially city centers and cobble stone streets bring back memories from my childhood. My Dad was in the Air Force and we traveled all over Europe when I was a very young child.

Everybody thinks that fall days are sad days but if you look at those photos you will understand that we can even find beauty in those days and paint them with coloured raindrops....so nice to hear from you again lovley lady @reddust

I love the fall and winter, it's just like sleep, the land wakes up refreshed in the spring <3

Yes, its time to sleep, rest and take time for ourselves much more....in summer I feel "guilty" if I stay in :)

Amazing pictures!

Raindrops are such a good subject for images ....

Wunderbarer Beitrag @mammasitta!! :) Passend und motivierend für die kalte, aber auch gemütliche Jahreszeit! :D
Auch die Fotos sind sehr schön!

Seitdem ich mich entschieden habe von Bali nach Wien zurückzukehren, kämpfe ich mit den verschiedensten Emotionen und auch mit der Zeit des Heilen. Ich versuche das Beste aus den kleinen Momenten zu machen und jeder Tag bringt mich näher zu mir selber „ mein Zu Hause“. Eigentlich hast Du mich motiviert eine eigenen Beitrag diesbezüglich zu schreiben was ich eigentlich damit meine aber vorher kommt noch Lissabon dran :)

Kann ich sehr gut verstehen.. !!
Sehr schön! :)
Super, dann freu ich mich schon auf deinen Beitrag :D

Alone in the house
Outside cold, rainy, windy
As from today the days are shorter
Early dark, long evenings
But wait; we cant accept to feel negative about it.

Go outside, meet friends and make fun, dont let the weather influence our feelings.
Live is to short, so summer is close again!

Warm Hug

I am always waiting for your lovley comments I enjoy so much 🙌🙌

each morning we are born anew. truth!

I am born again today and tomorrow ....

.....::And After tomorrow and so on ......

Lovely views! Each day gives us the opportunity to start anew and realize the wonderful gifts of just being alive.

Beautiful words !!!

I particularly love the fifth picture. Though I can't really place why I liked it. It may have something to do with the rain drops on the window or the frosty look that reminds me of my childhood behaviour of blowing air unto our frosted bathroom window while taking a hot bath :)
Poetic flow. Lovely place. Me like it <3

it’s the blurry view, mixed with the cute drops.
A few minutes later the sunshine was back

The cute drops makes all the difference :)

Finding beauty also in those raindrops, even though I don't really like the cold too much

I wish we could exchange temperature, it's night here and temperature is 32°C or 90°F
I could do with a small lower temperature <3

What a beautiful cathedral <3 What stories if those walls could talk, eh? It sounds like the perfect place to pass an afternoon in the company of great friends. Loved the poetry as well and very fitting. I wish you a fantastic time at Steemfest and hope to see lots of pictures and hear lots of stories when you return LOL <3 <3

Thank you so much. I’m really excited to spend some “warmer” days in Portugal. 🌺🌺🌺

will you come to steemfest @mammasitta ?
it must be really hard to adapting to cold weather again. 😃😃

It’s very hard to adjust to the cold indeed but I am already looking forward to a few more warmer days in Lisbon soon. Yes! @Steemfest it is!

That must be very nice ibu. have a good time over there, and hopely steem will rising again

anyway does lisbon warmer than austria?

Oh yes ! It’s much much warner because Portugal is more south. Spring weather.....

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