A True Handmaid's Tale Reality
Loud and clear my mind replies
That soon the ones at fault
Will finally meet there true demise
As eyes begin to remind them of history
They lose their minds
Repeat it like it's their Story
Just to prove what's true and not
These zombie puppets will run and get caught
Likely to their solitude
The ones who touched them saw their truth
Just a touch a kiss or DNA exchange
We learned their truths
We knew their ways
Once we learned to regurgitate
The sperm they gave us dissipated
If we refused to give them a son
That meant they were cheating with someone
If your ears begin to ring
That means the rest of us birds are singing
We hear your lies
We taste your truths
It's much like a forbidden fruit
We recalled our first lie in the books
Eve wasn't enticed by a snake
She was listening to a fruit
We grow roots and limbs like the trees
When a plant reaches our lips
Taking a bite they begin to sing
It's not that Satan was telling us lies
He was trying to warn us
Of Earth's great demise
The Elders wanted to keep it shit lips
However they started to talk
Laying between their mistresses hips
The ladies in red started to speak
About all the truths from between the sheets
We started to collaborate
Moving from areas where men's influence was great
Just as we started to see
That you were trying to create more handmaid's of we
No more will we sacrifice our wombs for your lust
We only will orgasm for someone we trust
So now that we got that out of the picture
Let's talk about all the women you'd touch
The ones that didn't like your smell
Still you took it like we couldn't tell
You'd creep inside by night or day
We couldn't find love any other way
They'd come to us when we would sleep
Into the shadows our lovers would creep
Once we started carrying their seeds
The body guards they started to breed
That little boy looks nothing like you
So you took a DNA test just to see if it's true
The babies they kept your asses all married
Now that we're taking over the World
I promise we're going to be wildly hated.
Lyrix Rain 10.21.18