
Much said with a few carefully chosen words. Awesome:)

Thank you m'dear :)

Let us be frank here humanity has become a plague. While we have the potential to greatness and to become magnificent protectors of our mother we are at the moment but a virus destroying her and enslaving, torturing and murdering her other children. There are those who believe we are not of this planet and that gives us the right to rivage and pillage I would argument, that even if that is true she would be our adoptive parent and worthy of even more respect and thanks for taking us in. there are those who argument that Their God/Gods gave us dominion over everything and that gives us the right and I would argument that any evolved being recognises that ruling is the highest for of servitude. It is not about oppressing and taking and imposing will, a true leader works 24/7 to make sure all of his/her people have the best lives and have the opportunity to become the best versions of themselves . some argument that we are mere evolved apes and that we fought to get on top of the food chain and that gives us the right to do what we do. I would argument that any leader who becomes oppressor needs to be brought down and that any society that builds it self on exploiting others needs to be cleansed. Frankly if we are not wiling to evolve into anything better than a virus we need to burn , burn , burn until we understand , use our potential for good or stop existing.

Much of this I agree with, although call me naive, but I still have a fair few shreds of hope for humanity remaining. Probably up in the attic somewhere, with all my other childhood toys, haha. A 'controlled burn' as Snyder advocates for in his poetry, in the right places, would suit me better...

Seriously though, I have refrained from posting anything political on this blog as of yet, despite politics having made up quite a substantial portion of my life to date. Safe to say I'm a lot further left than most people are probably comfortable with, especially on here where the general political mood seems to be 'moderate libertarian'.

I enjoyed your post the other day calling out some of the more reprehensible, homophobic tendencies on this platform. I've run into them myself, from people who whose content I'd otherwise been quietly enjoying, and it was a bit of an eye-opener to say the least. More people should be making an effort to counteract this sort of stuff. I'm glad to know you haven't given up completely and still consider some of these battles worth fighting :)

@lazarus-wist It's more stubbornness then anything else I have been politically active since the age of 12 also a raging environmentalist and animal advocate. Most of my life I still believed that most humans were good and just needed to wake up. I am at a point in my life where I believe most people are self indulgent twats not even man or woman enough to be real evil but just are evil by proxy because they are toddlers that put them self above everything else. Its a weak passive evil that is worse than active evil. And while a part of me wants to send them into restricted living zones with shock collars another part of me is still the foolish idealist. So its roll up in a ball , get up , dust off , on to soap box , save kittens , fight monsters , roll in ball ...rinse wash repeat ... one would think that with 50 I had become a bit smarter lol ...

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