AK-Iphones and AR-androids

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People today are so afraid of guns
When it's our phones that we should fear
If we take an honest look at guns and phones
The phones do far more damage every year
Look at the social media platforms today
This is where people spend most of their time
People don't take time to physically talk to each other
They believe communicating with their phone is sublime
How many people are killed from driving and texting
People have neck problems from always sitting the same way
There are so many dangers that come with these phones
They make us do dangerous and stupid things every day
We give our kids a phone for entertainment
The phone is a babysitter, ages one through four
Then when we're ready to send our kids to school
They get their own phone as their walking out the door
There's so much we can get on our phones today
A lot of raunchy garbage, all your heart desires
So much porn and graphic videos at our fingertips
A phone and the internet is all that is required
Can our kids really handle that much technology
Shouldn't our kids be outside playing and having fun
Society is quickly becoming slaves to their phones
I believe you would be safer with a gun