To the man I once loved.

in #poetry7 years ago (edited)

I can't keep this love story to myself anymore I have to share any make it public. I guess you have fallen in love before so don't wrinkle your brows at me because I chose to make this public.

I met him years ago and trust me, he had all it takes for any guy to fall for. He was so special because I had never felt that way for anyone else. The first day we talked was so amazing. I could call him a thousand and one times just to talk with him and he never made me feel I was disturbing him. I guess he loved me too and even more #wink
But after a while our conversation started becoming really boring, my love for him began to get sour, I barely called him like I used to, I just couldn't feel the burning love I had for him, he seemed like a stranger to me. Are you guessing something went wrong?
Yes! I met this new guy who stole my attention from him but I still felt a vacuum in my heart. I felt incomplete.

One day, I summoned courage to call him again after a long time and to my greatest surprise, he answered me like he had been dying to hear from me. It seemed he had missed me badly but was only waiting for me to call. That moment, I realized that he loved me more than I did.

JESUS is the man I met. HE loved me even before I did. If you have met him, you know that burning excitement you felt when you newly fell in love with Jesus. That time you just gave your life to Him and you couldn't stay a day without talking to him in prayers, reading his word or attending services. Now you got distracted, the cares of this world or someone else stole your attention such that He now looks like a total stranger to you. While you are carried away with the new distraction, He is still waiting for you to come back and you should return now because later might be too late.

Can I shock you?
No one can ever love you like Jesus does because HE first loved us and gave His life for you.

John 3 :16
For God so love the world that He gave His only begotten Son that who
so ever believeth on Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Go back to your first love, His arms are wide open waiting to receive you.
And if you have never fallen in love with HIM in your life, please do so tonight.It is as simple as ABC

Accept you are a sinner

Believe HE died for your redemption

Confess your sins and Forsake them.

It doesn't matter how far you are away from him.



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