No intentes entenderme [POESÍA] - Do not try to understand me [POETRY]

in #poetry7 years ago

no intentes entenderme,
ni leerme entre escritos,
pues no son mis manuscritos
quienes encierran mis gritos;
no quieras deshacerme
entre poemas y canciones,
porque no radican allí las emociones
que siento entre insomnios;
no quieras averiguar cuáles son mis demonios,
ni mucho menos comprenderlos,
ya que ni yo puedo verlos;
no quieras divagar
ni aprender a amar,
que fácilmente podés errar;
sé libre, alma inexperta,
amame de forma incierta;
buscame entre sombras
y no me encuentres según las normas,
ideá tus propias formas
de quererme con los ojos vendados,
con el cuerpo cegado,
con tu esencia al descubierto,
porque si algo es cierto
es el hecho de que te quiero entre misterios,
que te quiero comprender y que me comprendas,
pero que me quede tanto por entender
que ni en mil vidas lo logre saber;
porque de éso se trata,
de no llegar jamás a conocer
y que tanto quede por descubrir
en un incierto porvenir,
que entre el ir y venir
de nuestras miradas
percibamos las vidas pasadas
que tenemos encerradas,
y sorprendernos de lo cotidiano,
y andar juntos el camino
que rija un destino
de dudoso paradero,
somos efímeros,
arte contemporáneo,
somos esencia
de mil reencarnaciones,
somos el eco de nuestras emociones.


Escrito: @camilxgb

do not try to understand me,
nor read me between writings,
Well, they are not my manuscripts
those who hold my cries;
do not want to get rid of
between poems and songs,
because emotions do not reside there
I feel between insomnia;
do not want to find out what my demons are,
let alone understand them,
since I can not see them either;
do not want to wander
nor learn to love,
that you can easily err;
be free, inexperienced soul,
love me in an uncertain way;
look for me in the shadows
and do not find me according to the rules,
think of your own ways
of loving me blindfolded,
with the body blinded,
with your essence exposed,
because if something is true
is the fact that I love you among mysteries,
that I want to understand you and that you understand me,
but that I stayed so much to understand
that in a thousand lives I can not know;
because that's what it's about,
of never getting to know
and how much remains to be discovered
in an uncertain future,
that between going and coming
from our looks
let's perceive past lives
that we have locked up,
and surprise us with the everyday,
and walk the path together
that governs a destiny
of doubtful whereabouts,
we are ephemeral,
contemporary art,
we are essence
of a thousand reincarnations,
we are the echo of our emotions.


By: @camilxgb

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